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"Welcome to the participants pavilion, I am the Games Master and it is my job to convey to you all the information you need to know about the Exam." After pulling into a small walled compound outside the towering stands of the arena, the contestants had filed into the largest of a collection of colourful tents.

"You have the rest of the day to complete any preparations and final prayers, as tomorrow, we will begin this year with a newly instated mystery round," the Games Master cast a sly, easy to miss grin. "Please, feel free to make yourself at home in the tents provided and use the facilities within the compound. However, from this point on, you are prohibited from venturing beyond the walls unless it is to enter the Sunshine Arena," he paused for effect, "is that clear."

"Yes sir," the group shouted in response, a nervous energy filled their voices, accompanied by an eagerness to get on with the exam.

"Any idea what the mystery round could be?" Lukas asked, heading towards one of the plainer tents bordering the compound.

"No clue," Julian shrugged, carrying a small backpack of his belongings, which was more than most of the commoners could boast, "they've never done one before."

"They've kept us in the dark," Ellis said, who like Lukas, was carrying nothing but the clothes on his back.

"Look at this," Julian had pulled back the entry flap of the tent, revealing a spacious living space and separate rooms for sleeping, "didn't know tents could have multiple rooms."

"This is nicer than my cottage back home," Cillian agreed, running into one of the bedroom compartments, "I call dibs on this one."

"Take your shoes off you slob," Ellis sat patiently removing his boots, which were crusted with dry mud from the previous morning.

"Let them have their fun," Lukas sat next to him, "we don't know what will happen tomorrow."

"Just keep them out of my compartment," Ellis relented, "you want to train?"

"We've trained enough," Lukas said, "I feel like sleeping so that tomorrow comes sooner."

"I guess."

"Do you think we will be alright?" Lukas wondered, staring out the open flap of the tent at the bright lavish tents across from them.

"Aside from those freaks over there, I'd say we have the best chance."

As if hearing the affront, Leo emerged from an orange tent the size of Rosehallow's barn. Lukas slipped back into his boots before running across the compound.

"Nice tent," Lukas waved, catching Leo's attention.

"It's got its qualities," Leo said half-heartedly, clearly not too impressed with it.

"How was the journey?"

"Lonely, spent most the time looking outside."

"Guess you've only seen a little more of the world than I have."

"I still can't seem to escape Ferlandia," Leo pointed over Lukas' head, where the tallest tower of the royal palace could still be seen, like a tiny model castle. "How's Ellis?"

"Still his usual self-"

"Cold and indifferent?"

"Exactly, though I think being confined in the carriage with me for two days has warmed him up to me."

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