Chapter Three

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Third-person pov:

Carlos, Ezra and Ivie are now done with their breakfast and Ivie is shaking slightly due to cold and her hands were rubbing her arms. Her sweater is too old and worn that it gets thin to protect her from cold. Her only coat was wet and now she is feeling so cold. Winter always sucks for her.

Ezra and Carlos looked at each other then nodded and Carlos said simply: "Ivie, let's go"

She asked looking at him: "back to the orphanage"

He said simply: "well, I already told you we're spending today together to get to know each other remember"

She said smiling shakily: "sorry I just"

Ezra said smiling: "come"

Carlos texted his driver to turn the heat in the car more and they walked out of the small restaurant. Carlos said blankly: "Ezra sit in the passenger seat"

He groaned but sat down on the passenger seat while Carlos open the door for his little princess. He never did anything for her but with her, he felt different. He didn't know that she already wrapped him around her pinky finger and he is ready to do anything for her.

She said smiling at him sitting inside the car: "thank you, Carlos"

He gave her a small smile in return and jogged to his side. A soft sigh escapes her lips when she felt the warm air inside the car. She smile at the warmness and snuggled into the seat happily feeling her muscles relaxed. He sat inside the car and said gently: "buckle up, Ivie"

She makes an "O" face and tries to buckle up herself but fails miserably because she is sitting on her seatbelt. He almost cooed at her about how cute she is looking trying to pull her seatbelt. He said smirking: "Can I?"

She nodded and a small pout came on her lips. He said gently: "move a little bit"

She moved and he pulled the seatbelt making her let out a giggle at how stupid she is making Carlos chuckle and he said smiling buckling her up properly: "you look so cute when you smile"

She said giggling: "I'm so stupid"

He said gently but sternly: "you're not stupid"

She said smiling fixing her glasses: "thank you"

He smiled at her soft smile and her cute action whenever she fix her glasses which remind him of himself. He had the habit of fixing his glasses even if it is fine. She leaned against the seat then Carlos said blankly: "Let's go"

The driver started the car and sped off to the road. Carlos's phone start ringing and he pulled out his phone and a frown came on his lips. He groaned internally and picked up the call. He said blankly: "speak"

Ivie noticed how his voice turn so deep and scary and so cold. Antonio his eldest son said blankly: "where are you, Dad? You cancel all the meetings and everything"

Carlos looked at Ivie then said blankly: "I'm a little busy and talk to you later"

Antonio said blankly: "do whatever you want, just be safe Dad. We don't wanna lose you"

Carlos said simply: "hmm"

He hanged up the call and she asked: "so where are we going?"

Ezra said smirking: "shopping first"

She nodded then said simply: "okay"

They reached the mall and she looked out of the car and a loud sigh escaped her mouth. She didn't want to leave the car when Carlos said gently: "Ivie, come"

Antonia ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt