"Lena Luthor calling me,"


"What's up?"

"I really needed to hear your voice," Lena said into the phone.

"Everything okay?"

"I owe you an apology," Lena said.

"What for?"

"For ghosting you. For keeping secrets. But it's time to be honest," Lena told him.


"Sam Arias is Reign. Supergirl knows, and so do the appropriate authorities," Lena revealed.

"So, when you were telling me about your employee that couldn't accept her problem—"

"I was working to rid Sam of Reign, to free her," Lena cut him off.

"But she put Supergirl in a coma. How did you keep her under control?"

"The last of Lex's Kryptonite. And don't worry, Supergirl knows about that, too," Lena said.

"And you're telling me this now, why?"

"Because I gambled everything. My reputation, Supergirl's trust in me, my relationship with you, on fixing Sam. And I failed. I really needed to hear your voice today, and I didn't want you to look at me like I was a Luthor-"


"I've had enough of that today. I've, um...I've gotta go," Lena said.


Lena hung up the phone and turned around to find Supergirl behind her, a stern and serious look on her. Lena sighed heavily before walking up to her, going down the stairs leading up to the balcony, "I've had your back so many times. When the rest of the world was ready to pass you off as the new Lex Luthor,"

"My friend came to me. She was alone and afraid. I had to do something," Lena told her.

"I need you to level with me," Supergirl said, crossing her arms, "Do you have any more Kryptonite?"

"No, it's all gone. I used the last of it to keep Sam sedated," Lena assured, but her words trailed off when she saw someone familiar walk into the facility, escorted by The Flash.


The reporter and the Luthor caught eyes for a moment before Iris headed her way towards them with The Flash following. "Iris?"

"Lena," Iris sternly said, and by her tone, Lena knew that Iris was aware of everything.

"Why are you here?" Lena asked her.

"What do you think?" Iris asked.

"I mean...what are you doing here? How do you know what this place is?" Lena asked.

"I've been working here on the side since The DEO put together the SuperFlash arrangement. I know The Flash," Iris explained and Lena slowly nodded.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" She asked.

"The DEO is a secret government organization for a reason, Lena," Iris sternly told her, "But honestly, I could be asking you the same question — is this why Sam gave guardianship of Ruby over to me? Is this why you dropped her off at my apartment all those weeks ago, telling me you would explain everything? Which, by the way, you never did, but I wasn't pushing it because I trusted you."

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now