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•VI's POV•

"Do you want to make Silco pay for what he's done?" I told the counselor.

I had just walked in. I left Caitlyn and Y/N, it was for the best. I couldn't drag them along with me, as this was my problem with 'Jinx'.

But deep down, I felt bad for the both of them. I felt bad for leaving them and a piece of me is telling me that I shouldn't have left them.

He turned around to look at me with a serious face.

"I could have you arrested."

"You guys really like to bandy that threat around." I walked around the room, the tips of my fingers touched the weapons. "You ever been to Stillwater?" I stopped myself.


I scoffed and shook my head, not looking at the man who had his back away from me. "So you just wave an arm, have someone dragged off, don't bother to find out what it does to someone?" I turn my head to look at him. "Being stuff in a stone box for weeks, or
Months, or even years?"

He quietly sighed. "Yeah, I want to make Silco pay."

"I want in."

"There is no in." He looked at me. "You heard the Council."

"Fuck the Council."

"You said you were tired of doing nothing." "That's the only sensible thing that came out of anyones mouth tonight."

"I'm not a vigilante." He told me.

"No, you're a victim." I put my hand into the big glove type of machine, in which it reminded me of Vander. It started to glow bright blue. "This so people notice you when you raise your hand in the boardroom?"

"No we make those." "What do you even want me to do about him?"

"Take out his manufacturing facilities, hit him hard and fast before he can react."

"So.." I placed my leg on the table as my hand landed on my knee. I raised my hand, which was in the huge glove.

"We got a deal, pretty boy?"

•Your POV•

"I'm sure she'll come back for you." Caitlyn reassured me. I could tell she was also a bit devastated but she didn't want to reveal it and talk about it.

"I'm not sure Caitlyn, she was pretty sure about what she did." I muttered. "But hey, at least you get a roommate for a day." I smiled.

"Im glad about that, I'm going to hop into the shower, you can take my bed if you want." She got up and gave me a reassuring smile.

"You need it, you smell like rain water." I chuckled.

"Do I now?" She laughed as she closed the bathroom door.


I was woken up by screams coming from the bathroom. My eye opened as I quickly got up.

"Caitlyn?" I shouted as I made my way towards the door. "Caitlyn, are you okay?" I knocked on the door but it was silent. "Caitlyn open the door right now!" I slammed my body against the door, trying to force it open but it didn't work.

Instead, someone unlocked it and opened it.

"Caitlyn?" I whispered.

Jinx came from behind the door and stood in front of me as her eyes glowed.

You and I (Arcane League of Legends Vi x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ