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•Your POV•

Caitlyn kicked the pillar as dust began to fall. Violet ran towards Caitlyn and started to punch the pillar as everything began to shake. Rumbling was to be heard and pipes breaking. The pillars snapped and the purple sign started to tilt. Violet grabbed my hand as she also grabbed Caitlyn's arm and began to run.

•Vi's POV•

"Fuck you-" I told him as I raised my middle finger. Y/N put my hand down as she told him sorry. She looked at me with the look that told me to shut my mouth but it wasn't even my fault. "It was his fault." I told her.

"You actually bumped into him first.."She paused and looked up at what seemed to be the sky and stared. I turned to look at where she was staring at. "What are you looking at..." I looked to see what she was looking at, only to see blue smoke ahead.

"wherever you are, light it up and I'll find you guys.." I heard her mutter.


I told her and we began to run. We ran as fast as we could towards the smoke. I wasn't waiting to find out if it was her or not. But I deeply knew, it was Powder.

•Your POV•

Violet ran up the stairs and paused as she saw Jinx. I stopped walking as I wanted them to have a moment together. Jinx heard her steps and turned around. Her eyes was on Violet as she didn't notice me there.

"Vi?" Her eyes widened as Violet ran to her and gave her a hug, making her stumble back. She started to sob and hugged Vi as her tears soaked her jacket.

"I'm so sorry, Powder. I.." She let go of her as she wiped Powders tears off her cheek. "I tried to come back. I promise, I did. But I...I got arrested."


"I don't know." "I..It doesn't matter." "I just..I never thought I'd see you again." She hugged Powder again but she didn't hug her back.

"Are you real..?" She slightly whispered as tears began to form in her eyes again.

"Yes, of course. It's me, Vi, your sister." She let go of her and put her hand on Powders shoulder. "I'm here-" She stammered. "I'm right here." Powder broke out in tears and began to sob again. "Things changed when you left..I changed."

"I know, Pow-Pow, I know." "You did what you had to do to survive." She exhaled as her voice began to crack. "Me too, it's okay." She hugged her as she place her hand on Powders head. "What matters is we're together."

Footsteps was heard and someone began to come up the stairs. I turned around only to see Caitlyn. "No..No stop." I heard Powder gasp but I didn't want to turn around. "Who's she, who's that?"

"Who are you?" Caitlyn asked her. "It's okay..She's a friend, that's Y-"

"Sevika wasn't lying?" "You're with an enforcer?" She asked Vi. I watched as Caitlyn looked completely confused until she finally realized. "Your sister is Jinx?"

"Caitlyn just listen, we can work this out."

"This is a trick, your playing me." I heard Powder say as her voice began to crack again, I knew she was about to lose it. "Shut up, I'm in no mood!"

"We wasn't saying anything.."

"I wasn't talking to you!"

"Powder it's okay." I turned around to look at them. Vi tried to calm her down as she held the huge gun at Vi. "Stop calling me that." "It's Jinx now. Powder fell down a well."

"You're not a jinx..God I should've never-" "Stop talking to me like I'm a child!" She raised her gun at Vi's face. "Is that why you came?" "For this stupid stone?" She chuckled.

"No..I don't even know what that is..I.."

"You're a class act sister.." "Sister, thought I missed her.." "Bet you wouldn't miss her." She clicked the button as her gun began to spin. "Powder! I'm here for you and only you." "You can fire that thing if you want, but I'm not going anywhere." She pushed the gun away. "I'm not going to abandon you again." She put her hand on her arm as Powder looked at her and then looked away. "Everyone shut up, I need to think!"

"Powder.." I told her as I walked towards her. She turned to see who was talking and then she saw me.

"Y/n?" She lowered the gun. "It's me..Powder." I reassured her. " left me!" "You died!" " left and you never came back, you were my friend." "You were like my sister.."

"This isn't real, get out of my head!" She raised the gun as it began to spin again. "No..Powder, I'm alive, I'm real." She stopped and quickly turned around. "Do you hear that?" She told us. She raised the gun and got ready to aim at anyone.

Voices squealed as I saw a green glow at the top of the sewer. Someone came out of it with a hover device and quickly circled us as Powder began to shoot. More of them came out and I ran towards Caitlyn. Violet got behind Powders back as she held up her fists. She punched one of the group of people who hovered around them. Powder continued to shoot aimlessly.

A blue orb rolled near Caitlyn as she quickly went to go grab it before it fell. "No Caitlyn!" I ran to her but before I could stop her, one of the people punched her and left her unconscious as they set off a black smoke making me stumble back. I looked towards Vi as I saw someone behind her ready to hit her.

"Vi!" I yelled as I ran towards her. I saw her look at me and yelled before everything had went black.

You and I (Arcane League of Legends Vi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now