Isn't This Just Reverse Finding Nemo?

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This is a really long oneshot (like over 5 thousand words) and I wrote it for Faux-bias! Happy very early birthday, faux! I know it's in August, but I don't think either of us could wait that long for me to post this. I hope everyone loves it!

CW: kidnapping, blood, gore, and death (not main character)

Prompt: Remus ends up being captured while looking for food with his son, and his son finds some help from the pirate captain, Janus.

The weather was nice, a clear sky with only a few clouds. The ocean waves moved steadily, making it a nice day for sailing. Not that Remus or Kayden cared since they lived deep under the water. Though they were heading to some shallow waters in search of food.

The sunrays shot deep into the blue, making the water much clearer. Though it got murky again the closer it was to the beach. It was a good thing they were still plenty of miles from there, especially since they didn't trust land dwellers.

Remus's green tentacles searched the sand for crabs or shells, his red eyes darting about for movement. He looked over to his son. Well, not biological, he's not an octopus mer like Remus. Instead the ten year old had a long black tail that shimmered in the sun, making rainbows wherever the light reflected off to. Plus unlike Remus's fair skin, the younger had a dark skin tone.

"Have you found anything yet?" the octopus asked.

"Nothing!" Kayden called back, the empty seaweed bag on his arm agreeing.

"We need to find something soon, can't let your uncle Ro win again." Last time Roman had gotten a whole bag full of food.

"Can't you just camouflage and wait for fish to pass by? It worked last time."

"Fish only lasts so long, and I want something different. Oh, if you find a lobster that would be really nice. Those red suckers have some nice meat."

Kayden rolled his eyes. "Yeah, good luck finding one. They're scarce here."

Remus swam over a large rock, smiling wide and showing his sharp teeth. "Aha! Kay! Come over here, I found an oyster reef!"

Kayden let go of a large rock he had lifted in his search, swimming over. "Really?"

"Yeah! Hurry up! We'll definitely have more food than Roman now!" The octopus swam over, taking his bag off of his arm. He started pulling at the oysters, tearing them off of the rocks they were clinging to.

Kayden was doing the same thing, though at a slower rate since he only had one free hand and Remus had eight free tentacles. As soon as his dad was done, he came over and helped fill up Kayden's bag.

"Guess we found new hunting grounds."

"Well we should leave this place alone for a while, let them grow back. But in the meantime, we have plenty of oysters to last us the season! And we can even use the shells as jewelry! Maybe we can trade them! And maybe they even have some pearls! Come on, Roman will be so jealous!"

Kayden tied his bag closed and followed Remus through the reef, heading back to their home. The waters started to get deeper, the blue getting darker. But the sky was still seen from the sea floor, sun shining through the waves.

Remus smiled when he saw the drop off, squeezing himself through a hole that had formed in a rock. He was about to challenge his son to a race when a shadow passed over them, sucking all the warmth of the sun away.

Kayden turned around and looked up, seeing a ship. It was a big one compared to others he has seen before. At first he had thought it was a whale, but no, that was a land dwellers ship.

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