Misinformation Can Be Deadly

188 13 24

CW: kidnaping, blood, torture, death, and gore

Prompt: Virgil is being sacrificed to a demon, unbeknownst to the cultists, the demon only serves the one who's blood is spilled. Roman is the demon being summoned, and he sees the cultist as a threat

Virgil couldn't breathe. How long has it been since he was kidnapped and brought to... wherever he was? His arms and legs were tied together, and a sack was tied around his head. That certainly did not help his breathing issue.

There were voices coming from upstairs. At least, it sounded like they were upstairs, they were above him and muffled after all. He was probably in a basement, was it a serial killer's basement? Were there any other mysterious kidnappings and deaths recently? Virgil didn't think so, did that mean he could possibly be the first of many?

A door opened from somewhere, and Virgil's small, uneven breaths stopped completely. One set of footsteps came down. Then another, and then two more.

Virgil tried to curl up, holding his arms in front of his face. He heard what sounded like chalk on the floor in front of him, and then the sound of a match being lit. What were they doing? What were they planning on doing to him?

He wanted to say something but his voice wouldn't work. If he shouted, would anyone hear him? Would they even help him? Maybe his boss realized he was missing, it felt like a few days had passed after all, would he have called the police by now? Probably not, and it's not like Virgil had any family left.

Footsteps walked in his direction and he tensed up more. He whimpered when he felt the rope around his legs grabbed and untied. Hands grabbed his arms and lifted him up, dragging him to the middle of the room. His legs were shaking so much he tripped more times than he could count, he would have fallen if the people who were holding him didn't grip his arms so tight.

He heard chains and his hands were lifted in front of him. He felt cuffs wrap tight around his wrists with a clicking noise. What were they going to do to him?

The bag on his head was torn off, and his eyes blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the dim light. He noticed that there were indeed four people down there with him, all cloaked, though it didn't do anything to hide their faces like in movies.

Virgil looked around and saw he was indeed in a basement, with concrete walls and floor, wooden steps leading upstairs. Torches lined the walls and the floor above seemed old and as if it would collapse on them any moment now. So they were in an abandoned house, not fun.

Looking down though, Virgil felt his heart drop. He was chained in the middle of a pentagram. There were metal hooks in the floor that the chains were connected to, keeping him from running. Salt lined the circle, clearly to keep whatever they're trying to summon in, and five candles were at each tip of the star in the middle.

"Wait..." Virgil begged, trying to step back, but the chains stopped him.

The four cloaked figures grabbed something from a table, one grabbed a book, another grabbed a goblet full of some purple drink, and two grabbed daggers. They were going to sacrifice him to some sort of demon!

"Please! Please don't!" he begged, pulling the chains harder. Tears started to gather in his eyes and spill down his cheeks as panic finally took over.

They took turns drinking from the goblet before the two with the daggers grabbed his arms, and the one with the goblet grabbed his jaw. They pressed the goblet against his lips and told him, "Drink this."

Virgil tried to shake his head but one of the daggers was placed against his neck. He shut his eyes tight and opened his mouth, letting the purple liquid pour in. It tasted bitter, and almost burned, but his head was tilted to keep slipping out and he had a feeling that if he spit it out they would kill him and just do this with someone else.

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