Roman Has No Sense of Privacy Apparently

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Prompt: Roman finds a journal in Virgil's room and decides to read a few passages. After skipping past some, he finds out Virgil has a secrete crush on someone. He didn't expect that someone to be him, but hey, who is he to complain?

"Hey Virge, Patton was wondering-" Roman said, opening the darker side's door before realizing Virgil wasn't in his room. He frowned in thought and was going to leave when he saw a purple journal on the bed. There was a lock on it, though it was currently unlocked.

He shouldn't. Really, he shouldn't. But gods is he curious! Just a small peak, that's all! He just wanted to know why Virgil would lock up a journal of all things!

He sunk into the room and closed the door, making his way over to Virgil's bed. The book was closed, so Roman just opened it to the first page and scanned his eyes over the words.

"Well, Logan suggested I keep a diary to help with my thoughts or whatever. I don't know why, but he says writing things down can help. It just makes me feel stupid though, this is stupid. There are other ways I can cope with my anxiety. I'm not going to do this."

The short passage ended there, but obviously Virgil had continued writing, and Roman was curious as to why so he read on.

"Okay, guess I'll give this another shot. No one else is awake anyway, and getting this out of my head will help. I had a nightmare, no surprise there. I-"

Roman flipped the page, feeling like reading on would be going too far for that one. Though, he made a mental note to create something magical to help with nightmares later on.

The next page was different though, Roman caught his own name.

"Today wasn't... bad... We played a board games today, Patton's idea. I thought it was stupid at first, but then Patton pulled out battleship and suggested we play in teams. Logan rolled his eyes, telling us that's not how you play the game, but we still did it. Logan and Patton teamed up, so that left me and Roman, since Janus and Remus weren't there." Roman quickly thanked that he already knew Janus's name. "It was actually fun playing with Roman. Though, Logan and Patton still kicked our asses."

The prince remembered that day, it was months ago. So clearly Virgil had started this a long time ago. He skipped past a few pages before reading on again.

"I don't think this book is helping me with my anxiety. It worked at first, but I've been getting more nervous lately. Well, okay, it's only around the others. And when I think about him. But that didn't mean anything, right? I mean, we have gotten a better relationship now. Why would I still be nervous around him?? Having anxiety is the worst, but being the literal embodiment of it is Hell."

Roman frowned for a moment. Who was Virgil talking about? And why did he make him nervous?

He skipped a few pages, skimming over them for any answers before he came across another passage.

"Okay, maybe I know why I'm nervous around him. I just didn't want to admit it. It sucks, really it does. I think I hid my anxiety well, but I still get butterflies in my stomach. But... He really makes me happy. Hell, my eyeshadow was purple! He made it purple! It hasn't been purple in years! I just... I'm scared of this crush that's forming. I don't want to be hurt. It's not like he would like me back anyway."

Roman felt his heart hurt. Virgil liked someone? Who was it? No, that's not fair, Virgil's allowed to like anyone he wants. It was Roman's fault for not acting fast enough on his emotions anyway. He had fallen for Virgil, to call it a crush would be an understatement. But that's because he had let it fester for almost a year now.

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