Feathers & a Dash of Magic Oneshot

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Prompt: Remus and Janus live in the forest now, and often deal with hunters. This time, Remus wasn't so lucky in the fight... (this oneshot is after the epilogue of my book Feathers & a Dash of Magic, so spoilers if you haven't read it).

CW: blood, gunshot wound, near death, gore, slight PTSD, monster hunters, panic attack and mental break down

"Why not?" Remus asked, his Janus upside down.

"Because doing a handstand all day is dangerous. You could fall, or the blood will all go to your head," the gorgon replied.

"Oh please, I'll be fi-ACK!" Remus had lifted his hand to wave him off, but immediately fell to the ground, making Janus scoff a laugh.

"See, you fell anyway. Challenge over."

Remus folded his arms as he continued to lay on the forest floor. "I could have done it," he pouted, though he smiled at the amusement coming from Janus. When they had finally married, Janus allowed the two of them to be magically bonded, and ever since then the two of them could feel each other's emotions.

The gorgon sighed, "Yes, I know. It's getting late now, why don't we head home."

Remus stood up and pushed his hair out of his face, walking over to Janus before he froze. Janus was going to ask what was wrong before he smelled it, gunpowder. Then they both heard the sound of footsteps coming their way.

"Janus, go home to Kayden, make sure he's okay," Remus told him. It was rare whenever this situation happened, but whenever any hunters came nearby the both of them had agreed that if they could, one would go home to Kayden who has come to hate loud noises. He is 16 now, but he still has nightmares and panic attacks. Much less now, but it was still something he faced.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Janus asked.

"Hey, you're the one that got to mess with them last time! It's my turn! I wanna have some fun with the people who threaten my family's safety."

The gorgon sighed anxiously before giving Remus a peck on the cheek. "Stay safe then. Don't be late for dinner."

"I'll try not to be, but I'm sure you'll forgive me if I take my time torturing them."

"Don't be late," Janus repeated, a serious look in his eyes.

"Fine, I won't be late. I'll take them out as fast as possible."

The gorgon nodded with a small smile, though Remus could feel the nervousness coming off of him. He gave Janus a smile before turning to where the hunters scent was coming from. He wasted no time in making his way over, letting glamor wash over him as he snuck closer.

When he reached them, he was surprised to only find a small group. Just three of them, with an assortment of weapons. One had a spear, one had a spiked ball on a chain, and only one had a gun. Remus had a sneaking suspicion that the weapons were iron or silver, considering the amount of werewolves in town and the fact that Virgil has become a bit of a legend to all magical creatures alike.

Three on one? Well, this was going to be easy.

Remus dropped his glamor since all it was really doing was wasting his magic. He raised his hands and let the trees around the hunters grow and twist. The three of them shouted in surprise, both looking for the one responsible but mostly paying attention to the trees.

One of them spotted him, but Remus didn't let them live long. With sharpened branches, he let the trees attack them. And just like spears and arrows, the branches quickly pierced them all with shouts of pain. Though, it was over for them soon, and Remus let their bodies drop to the floor.

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