Death is So Cruel

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CW: main character death, blood, grief

Prompt: Roman is injured and Virgil waits for help, trying to comfort him, but help never comes.

"It's so dark tonight," Roman breathlessly sighed. Virgil hated that his knight's shirt was soaked red. He hated that he could barely breathe. That he couldn't even sit up, and was forced to lay in his lap for some form of comfort.

"It looks nice," was all Virgil could reply. It was only sunset, one knight left to find help over an hour ago, while the other went to chase down the one responsible.

"Virgil...?" Roman asked, the bright light that was always in his eyes so dim now.

"Yes?" Virgil ran a hand through his hair.

His voice was so small. "I don't like the dark, I'm afraid of it..."

"I know, dear." He couldn't let his voice break right now, the dam had to hold a little stronger. He could break later, but not now, not until Roman was okay. Or until it was over...

"But... it's easier to bear when you're with me."

Virgil felt tears sting his eyes, slowly trailing down his cheeks. "I'm happy to know you feel that way."

Roman shivered. "I'm so cold..."

"I know, dear." He could barely speak, his tears too thick.


"Yes, love?" Please don't let this be the last time he calls him this... How cruel the gods were.

"Can you stay with me? A little longer?"

He was silent for a moment, trying to find his strength. "I'll stay with you until the end."

A smile found its way on the knight's lips. His knight. He had to look away so he didn't break. "Thank you... I trust you, Virgil." He sighed, closing his eyes.

His chest stopped moving, Virgil could feel it, but he refused to look down.


There wasn't a response, and Virgil's breath hitched.

"Roman please?"

Only silence answered him.

"I... I'm scared."

The promise that they made so long ago withered like a rose. The promise that they would always protect each other from harm, keep each other safe, and to make each other happy. Roman promised Virgil never had to be afraid again...

"I'm so scared, please..." He closed his eyes so he didn't have to see, his hand that was running through Roman's hair freezing. He held the knight's face in between his hands. "Please don't do this to me..."

There was only silence on the hill they were on. Virgil couldn't take it anymore. He opened his eyes and looked down. Roman was still, the smile frozen on his face, a small tear slipping down his cheek.

And Virgil screamed.

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