Reverse Nemo Part 2

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Well, I really liked the last one shot and made a second part, and I'll probably be making a third part. This one ended up being over 6 thousand words so... be prepared for a long one. And once again, this was mostly made for Faux, though I had a lot of fun with it, I hope everyone enjoys it!

Prompt: Janus finally returns to Remus's waters, and family is finally introduced, though seems like someone else wasn't far behind.

CW: blood, gore, death (not main character)

The sun was warm today, there didn't seem to be too many clouds. Remus has gotten used to leaving the water, it hurts less to switch from water to air. He could ignore it now, and Roman and Kayden are able to easily come out of the water too. Well, Roman didn't do it as often as the other two.

It's been a year now since Remus last saw Janus. He went up to the sea stacks every day when he wasn't busy, waiting to see any familiar ships. A few have passed by, but none of them were Janus's. Maybe... maybe he should have gone with the naga. At this point, he'll never repay his debt.

Remus was starting to get really worried. It was engraved in him to repay any debts, same with his brother. What were they if not fair? It was part of his culture...

Maybe Janus didn't want him around. He said they travel these waters often... what's often to them? Every few months? Or every few years? Maybe they passed by and Remus had just missed them while he was hunting or doing something else.

There was a splash behind him but he didn't bother to turn. By the lack of coughing, he figured it was Kayden and not Roman.

"You're gonna get sunburned," Kayden warned.

Remus groaned and turned himself gray like the rock. "I'll be fine."

His son was officially eleven now. Kayden's tail has grown longer, Remus wasn't even sure that was possible. He would have thought he's an eel if it wasn't for the dark fins he had. The black scales were still rainbow in the sun, and his dark skin was starting to turn more into a more ashy gray, but not in an unhealthy way.

"Are you still waiting for the captain to return?"

"Yeah... but I don't see them on the horizon."

Kayden pulled himself onto a rock and looked in the opposite direction. "What about that ship?" He pointed out.

Remus turned around. The ship was still small, it looked like it would get there in maybe an hour. "I can't tell, it looks too far away." He was quiet for a moment before saying. "I'll be right back."

"Wait, I wanna come with you!"

"Nope, you stand out when you get too close to the surface. However, I can blend in." Remus turned into a dark shade of blue.

Kayden sighed before splashing into the water. Remus watched him swim further down, probably back home, before jumping into the water himself and making his way to the boat. He certainly recognized the wood, but that didn't mean it was Janus's.

He started climbing up the side of the ship, using his tentacles to keep a grip on it while he changed color to match with the wood. Slowly and carefully he made his way up, thankful that his tentacles were strong enough to do this.

Eventually he reached the top, peeking through a small hole in the wall, which must have been used to prevent flooding. He saw feet walking around and heard voices talking.

"Cecil, don't forget to feed the chickens!" a voice shouted.

"Yes pa!" a child seem to call back. Remus wondered how old he was, or how safe it was for him to be at sea.

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