Puppy Kisses

77 8 12

Prompt: Remus licks Patton's cheek like a dog. Patton decided it was only fair to give him a kiss back. Can be seen as romantic or platonic intruality.

Patton's legs were kicking under the stool as he sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. He was waiting for some leftover pasta to finish heating up in the microwave as he played Animal Crossing on the switch, completely focused on fishing.

In fact, he was so focused that he didn't notice anyone sneaking up behind him. He subconsciously ignored the rustling of clothing, until he felt breathing on his neck, a shadow being casted over him.

He turned around and was barely able to see who it was before something wet and warm hit his cheek. He blinked, realizing it was a tongue. And the owner of the tongue was still one inch away from his face.

"Remus?" he asked, still a bit surprised. "Did you just... lick me?"

The demon spawn nodded. "Twas a kiss."

Patton blinked twice, his face twisting into a puzzled expression. "Like a puppy?"

"Yup!" Remus finally moved away from Patton's face. He had his hands on his hips, wearing a proud smile.

Patton was quiet for a moment, looking away in thought. He set the switch down and stood on the bar on the stool, holding the counter to steady himself as he leaned down and kissed Remus

It was Remus's turn to blink in surprise this time as he took a step back. Patton sat back down with a satisfied smile and grabbed his switch again. However, the microwave alarm went off and he had to set it back down again, walking over and grabbing his food.

Remus stood where he was still. He certainly did not expect a kiss back.

Patton went back to his seat, setting his food down. He looked back at Remus with a smile. "You good there, kiddo?"

Remus blinked again and snapped out of it. "That's not fair! You weren't supposed to kiss me back!"

"Well, I did. Did I make you too uncomfortable? I'm sorry." A guilty look crossed Patton's face.

"No- I- It's me! I don't get uncomfortable! Ugh!" Remus crossed his arms and pouted, his face turning red. "You're so rude."

Patton smiled and laughed again, making Remus grumble more. Out of all the sides, no one really expected Remus to be the most easily flustered. It was both a hilarious and adorable sight nonetheless.

"You're so cute," Patton told him.

"You take that back right now!" Remus pointed at him threateningly.

"No can do, pup-aroo." He turned to start eating his spaghetti.

"You didn't fluster me, just so you know!" Remus told him.

"Uh huh, okay."

"You didn't! Hmph." He crossed his arms again. Whatever, I'm gonna annoy Janny.

"Give him a kiss for me!"

"Do that yourself since you're in a kissing mood!"

Patton giggled, looking back as the duke walked away. He turned back to his food and game with a big smile on his face. He's definitely become more comfortable with Remus.

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