The whole class looks back at the sound. The teacher gets up from her desk and walks to the front of the classroom.

"Noah, you're not allowed to sleep in class."

There's no answer, he's just sitting there with his forehead on the desk not moving at all. The class is still staring at him. The room is silent.

"Isaiah, can you wake him up?"

Isaiah reaches over to Noah's shoulder and starts to violently shake him.

"Noah? Dude wake up. Mrs. Smith is going to rip you a new one."

There's still no answer. Isaiah looks back at me worried.

"I don't think he's sleeping." Isaiah whispers to me while shaking him one more time.

Isaiah looks back to Noah with a worried look on his face. The room is still silent, everyone's still looking at Noah.

"Noah?" Isaiah calls out.

In a quick second, Noah's head shoots up. His neck cracks at the jerk. Dark blue veins stretch down the back of his neck. With a swift move, he violently grabs Isaiah's arm and sinks his teeth into it. I can hear the bones crushing at the pressure of the bite. Deep red blood fills Noah's mouth almost instantly. Some falling to the floor in large globs. Isaiah screams at the top of his lungs. The scream scares me a little, I've never heard someone scream in such pain. You can tell Isaiah was terrified. His eyes close. His eyebrows clench up, and his teeth grind together.

Noah lets go of Isaiah's arm, chewing what flesh he has in his mouth. Isaiah drops to the floor in tremendous pain, curling into a ball and hiding his arm. Blood pores out of Noah's mouth and onto Isaiah.

Everyone in the classroom screams and jumps up from their desks and starts running out the door. Before leaving the classroom, the teacher pushes the fire alarm. Beeping bombards my ears, making my headache worse.

A girl with long brown hair is fiddling with her backpack in front of Noah and me. It gets his attention. Noah hurdles himself over his desk and rips the girl's flesh off her neck. Surprised, she screams in pain, hitting Noah's head with her fists.

I look over at Isaiah, he's curled up in a puddle of his own blood. He's barely screaming anymore, just twitching and jerking around on the floor.

I can't believe what's happening. It's happening right in front of me. Did he just go cannibal? What sick mind would do that, I mean at least wait until you're out of school and in the woods like that one movie. Anyways, how in the hell am I going to get out of here? I don't think he's seen me yet. He's still feasting on that girl's neck. I wish I could help her but I don't want to get a bit myself. I think I can sneak my way out.

I carefully reach down to grab my backpack. I grasp the strap in my hand and slowly lift it to my shoulder. I attempt to stand up, my knee connects with the wooden desk, making a small sound echo throughout the room.

"Shit," I whisper knowing he heard me.

Noah's head slowly rises from his latest meal. She's still squirming on the floor, now in a puddle of her own blood. He turns his head, looking straight into my eyes.

His eyes are the scariest thing I've ever seen. It makes a shiver go down my spine. They are yellow. Just like an animal's eyes.

I look around for an escape route. I can jump over the desk diagonal to me and run down the aisle and out the door. I attempt to run over to the desk and jump over. A hand grabs my ankle and I fall on top of the desk and crash to the floor. I look back and Noah is clenching onto my foot. I violently squirm and scream. Tears start to roll down my cheeks. Everyone is out of the classroom except Isaiah, which is silent, and the girl with the brown hair. She's sprawled out across the floor moaning in pain.

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