“Babe we are here.” I told Harry as I pulled into a parking spot. He had a little bit of a wait so Darcy and I were going to wait with him and the guys.

“Okay.” He smiled. I got out of the car and went to get Darcy and her car seat out. She still had a smile on her face from her daddy being silly. Harry put his luggage on a cart and grabbed my free hand. I was holding Darcy (she is in her car seat) in the other hand.

“Are you okay?” I asked Harry. His hand was really sweaty and they were shaking a bit as well.

“Yeah, I still have that feeling though. I can’t seem to shake it.” He said honestly.

“I don’t know what to tell you babe.” I said. I knew from experience that when you had that feeling that nothing would shake that feeling. I just hope his feeling was wrong and that nothing bad was going to happen.

“I know you don’t have to say anything. I’m just worried about leaving is all.” He said kissing my cheek.

Harry and I met the boys and their girlfriends in a lounge area. As soon as everyone saw Darcy they all ran over to her and fought over who got to hold her first. Louis ended up winning since he was the oldest. I think that is one of the few times he uses that as a reason.

“How are you handling all of this?” Hannah, Niall’s girlfriend asked.

“I’m okay. Harry leaving this time is different because of Darcy, but everything will be fine. How about you?” I asked.

“I don’t like when Niall leaves, but since i have to pack up our flat this week I will stay busy. I hope it makes it easier.” She laughed nervously.

“From 3 ½ years of experience I know staying busy while he is gone definitely helps.” I smiled.

“Yeah. I’m usually busy with work or my family and that usually keeps my mind off of him being gone. I just hate I have to pack the whole flat by myself.” She groaned.

“Well if you need help let me know. Me and Darcy can come over and help.” I smiled. I looked over and saw that Zayn was holding Darcy now. All the guys were so good and gentle with her. I loved seeing them with her, and I made sure to take pictures whenever I could :P Darcy is too young to complain, but the boys complain enough for her as well.

“I might take you up on that.” Hannah smiled.  I smiled and nodded back at her.

“Allie I’m stealing my girl from you.” Niall smiled.

“That’s fine. Have fun” I winked. Hannah got up and went with Niall to god know where.

“I don’t think they are going to be able to leave Darcy either.” Harry said out of nowhere. It startled me when he spoke, since I didn’t know he walked over to me. That last I saw of him he was talking to Liam and Paul.

“Yea I agree. She is going to miss all of them, but especially her daddy.” I smiled at him.

“I’m going to miss her too.” He said.

“FLIGHT 107 IS NOW BOARDING!” Was called over the intercom. After I heard that announcement I felt a lump form in my throat and tears spring to my eyes. I really didn’t want him to leave, but I knew he had to. I also made sure not to show Harry how sad I was about him leaving.

“That’s me.” Harry said sadly.

“Here is you little baby. We all said our goodbyes to her already.” Liam said handing Harry Darcy. She smiled when she saw Harry and I saw tears form in his eyes when he saw. Liam noticed and kissed my cheek before walking away to say goodbye to Danielle.

“Harry! Darcy and I love you and will miss you so much. Make sure you bring her back something.” I smirked. Harry pulled me into a hug with Darcy still in his hands.

“Haz we got to go.” Paul said patting Harry’s back.

“I guess this is it. I love you and I will see you two soon, so make sure you don’t forget me.” Harry said trying to smile.

“We wont forget you, but just to be sure make sure you call and text whenever you can.” I smirked.

“I can do that.” Harry laughed.

“Now go get on that plane before Paul drags you on the plane.” I said kissing his lips real quick. He kissed me back then kissed Darcy’s forehead before turning around to get onto the plane. He blew me a kiss and mouthed ‘I love you’ before getting on the plane.

“Alright baby girl let’s get you home.” I said putting Darcy back in her car seat.

“I hate when they leave.” Eleanor said. Danielle, Perrie, Hannah, and I all nodded agreeing. We all parked in the same parking lot so we walked together back to our cars. There were a lot of fans and paps at the airport! Some fans are crazy and don’t care if they hurt a little baby so we made sure to be careful waling through the crowds of girls.

Once we got to our car’s we said our goodbyes and headed back home to our empty houses. As soon as buckled Darcy’s car sear back into the car she feel right asleep. I was thankful she went to sleep, because she was due for a nap. And like any baby if she doesn’t get her nap she is really fussy and won’t stop crying until she falls asleep. I was ready to go home and take a nap myself. I was emotionally exhausted, which I also was when I had to say bye to Harry.


So Harry and the guys left for tour……..

Harry had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen…. Who will it happen to if anything will?

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 I will post the next chapter in a few hours (before i go to bed) So make sure you keep a look out for it :D


It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora