“Sucked…” His expression turned more miserable, “I want to die…” He seemed like he was in despair, “I’m going out for some air…” He then walked out of the room leaving me even more confused than I was before.



I was taken to the palace guest room by a maid to meet with my demon companions.
Finally, I get to see my own kind.

It’s been ages since I saw any of them.

I smiled as I entered the room. My eyes landed on Blight, a Yali and Hewitt, a Garuda. Garuda’s are eagle shaped demons with human anatomy.

“Lord!!” They both stood up when they saw me and I smiled at them. They were both using magic to keep their human appearances on.

“It’s been a while.” I gestured for them to sit down but they didn’t. Instead, they came and hugged me.

“Where have you been!!” Hewiit’s voice was shaking.

“The whole kingdom is in a frenzy!!” Blight broke the embrace first and stared at me, “Do you have any idea how many of us are out looking for you?!”

“I can guess…” I said softly, “But some unforeseen things kept me out of touch.”

“What things?” Hewitt asked as he stepped back.

“Sit first.” I gestured to them as I took my seat and even though they were a bit reluctant, they sat down in front of me calmly.

“So?” Blight raised his eyebrows at me.

“Well, I don’t really know how to say this but-”

“You don’t have to lie to us.” Blight cut my words as he sensed something off in my tone. He’s always been a bit too sharp,  “We heard from the noble you were kept captive here.”

“Ah..” I sighed, “That’s not true.” I replied, “The current king and the people here have got nothing to do with my disappearance.” I should be confident with my answers.

“Then where have you been?” Hewitt kept his eagle eyes on me.

“It’s a long story.” I said.

“We’re here.” Hewiit replied, “We’ll stay by your side now.”

“You shouldn’t impose yourself on the humans.”

“Then why are you staying?” Blight asked.

“I have my reasons.” I answered.

“What reasons?” Blight asked, “Does it have anything to do with your disappearance?”

“No, not really but you don’t have to worry about where I was-”

“No!” Blight was insistent, “Tell us where you were!” Hewiit nodded his head too. They were both hungry for answers and I knew every demon must be. I’ve been gone for months.

“I-” I paused, “I was in a coma.” Ever since Sorin talked to me, I’ve been thinking of an excuse and this one fits the description the most.

“A coma?” They were both surprised, “Why?”

“I had a fight with a very strong warrior.” I replied, “He was very capable.” I don’t doubt Enri’s abilities but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever come to like him.

“Was?” Hewitt said, “Did you kill him?”

I nodded, “It was a tough battle.” It’s time to change the subject, “Right now, I’m here to sign a peace treaty.”

“A peace treaty?” Blight wasn’t pleased, “Why?” He shook his head, “All of a sudden?”

“The current king wants amicable relations between our kinds.” I replied

The Yali and Garuda both scoffed, “Between humans and demons?” Hewiit wasn’t pleased either, “Why are you signing something like that? What do we get out of it?”

“Yeah!” Blight agreed.

“All we have lost.” I replied and they looked at me in confusion.

“What?” Hewitt asked.

“Our people.” I smiled at them softly, “If we get the peace treaty, King Sorin will abolish demon slavery and we can take our kind back with us.”

Blight and Hewiit were stunned at my words.

“R-really?” Hewiit was awestruck, “That’s good news…”

“Too good.” Blight frowned as he pondered upon my words, “Why would he do that, out of nowhere?” He was suspicious. I could tell by the way he was looking at me, “It’s suspicious.”

“Yes…” Hewitt agreed, “I heard King Sorin is actually pretty rude.”

“Don’t trust the rumors.” I said, “King Sorin is quite the reasonable person.”

“Then why would he have a deplorable reputation?”

“The noble faction isn’t fond of him.” I remained calm, “They all favor the younger prince more.” I sighed, “I know you all are anxious.” I didn’t let any of them speak further, “I know my disappearance was a blow to the kingdom while I only went on a short vacation near the borders but I’m here.” I gave them a reassuring look, “And I’ll be back and it won’t happen ever again.” I smiled, “Trust me.”

Hewitt and Blight gave each other a glance then looked back at me. I could tell they weren’t satisfied but I am their king and they can’t challenge me there.

“Fine.” Blight seemed like he was planning something, “But we’ll stay here with you.” He smiled, “As guests.”

Hewitt nodded, “And we’ll make sure you go back with us!”

I sighed but then smiled, “Very well then.” I stood up, “I’ll ask the king to arrange for more guestrooms.”

They both beamed happily in return.

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now