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The only things that have been on my mind for the past two weeks are King's dick and mouth.

I have a thing for older guys, I always have.

I believe they're easier to deal with because they've already been through every faze there is.

The hoe faze.

Cheating faze.

Toxic faze.

Potential baby momma faze.

With guys, my age they're still going through that and more, and I refuse to let another man abuse, beat, and belittle me again.

I never had sex with an older guy, but King blew my mind when he ate me out. Maybe I should've blown him in return.

My pussy clenches and my core tighten at the thought of him having my legs around him, tugging on his bun until it's no longer a bun, and the vivid image of his strong body taking over plays in my head.

I'm too much of a coward to show up at his house and ask 'hey, can you fuck me?'

I need to stop thinking about it, maybe he didn't enjoy it as much as I did so he left it at a one-night stand type of thing.

Walking out of my bathroom I go downstairs to the kitchen. My parents and brother are always talking and eating without me.

I guess my mom left to 'work' - more like being with her many boyfriends.

We have a trip we go on every year, and I assume she'll be back then. If not, yay!

I wasn't expecting King to be leaning against our kitchen counter and talking to my dad.

His eyes get wide when he sees me and I stop in my tracks. He clears his throat and looks back at my dad, continuing the boring conversation.

I go to the refrigerator to grab some milk for the cereal I'm about to make, "no good morning to everyone," my dad asks with an attitude.

"It's not a good morning when I have to see you," I respond grabbing the cereal box and squinting my nose, and going over to the counter King is leaning on.

"Be grateful I'm letting you stay in my house after you quit your job," he hollers, looking up at him I ask, "why are you yelling?"

Damn, he's annoying.

"Because you're disrespectful and rude. You see this guy standing here, and you look at him like he's trash," he continues talking and I put everything away grabbing a spoon.

I've already know this guy, is what I wish I could tell him. But my dad will kill me if he found out I dated anyone besides his beloved Miro.

Looking at King I briefly smile, and I look back at my dad who's red in the face. I'm surprised he's not yelling at me for eating cereal 'I didn't pay for.'

"Well, dad if it makes you feel any better, I'm looking for a job today," I eat some of my cereal, they're stale so I spit them back out into the bowl.

No wonder the bitch let me eat it.

I push the bowl away and my dad laughs before saying, "you already have a job," tilting my head I ask, "I do?"

"Yeah you do," King says with raised eyebrows.

Rolling my eyes I ask, "what is it?" Expecting the worst answer.

"It's an office job," my dad says.

I knew it...

Ugh! I fucking hate office jobs, they're draining!

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