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I honestly believe that running into you was indeed a stroke of luck. A mere passerby who saved my sanity and swiftly become my place of refuge, encouraging me to explore the world through different angles. you have me sound like I'm madly head over heels in love and you make it all seem wonderful. You encourage me in finding my wings to fly and how to soar, as you showed me the beauty of existence.

You succeeded to pull me up into the starry skies of your laughter and smiles.

Can you even fathom how I met you whilst walking out through the dreariest torrents of despair and amid the slandering shrieks of defeats and wickedness? Nevertheless, outshining all the scratches, blemishes, and scars of a bitter yesteryear which almost had me dwell in tremendous pain, a vast frame sparked for a new moon of futures beside you that beckons here in a dazzling realm at the later part of the rainbow. Eternal bliss—I wish we would dwell in a blissful ever after as you lift me up to dance with you underneath the downpour of glittering gazes and sparkly butterflies. And of course, I'd do whatever I can to paint lasting happiness on not just your lips, but also in your eyes and soul. Undeniably true, sure, I am undoubtedly in love with you already.

Simply because when it all seems to be turning gray throughout my universe, you show up as the shade of yellow. As you embrace all of my weaknesses and adore all of my cuts and bruises, you pour moonbeams in my soul. Whenever you hold me tight throughout the dark of winter, you bring me all the hues blended into just one. Whenever you sweep away all of my doubts in life, you grant me boundless solace.

You are my rainbow after the storm, my four-leaf clover in the midst of despair.


Hearing Aella's voice jolted me awake. I was surprised to notice that I almost suddenly lost my heartbeat. What exactly did I dream about?

"What's the matter?" Aella asked, frightened, and added, "I've been waking you up."

"I'm not sure. I had another dream about somebody else." I said, extending for her hand.

Because I was still feeling lightheaded, she supported me in getting out of bed.

"Can you tell me what it is this time?" She questioned.

"This is a young woman writing a letter to someone. She's definitely someone I've never met. I don't know why, but I have a striking resemblance to her." I explained.

"Is it possible that's your mother?" She wondered.

When I gazed at her, silence engulfed me since I had no idea. I'm not quite certain.

"This morning, your father left pretty early." Aella abruptly blurted, "He says he has had something important to do."

As an answer, I simply nodded. My father staying here even for an hour would be unusual for me.

As she walked away, Aella said, "Wait, I'll bring you fresh water."

I was alone, pondering and reflecting about my dream. What was that place? What was her name, and why did she look so much like me? Why am I getting flashbacks to my mother's old days if she is my mother? But looking into the past isn't one of my powers.

"Here. Give it a rest." Aella murmured as she offered me a glass of water.

I promptly sipped it in an attempted to cool down.

"Anyway," Aella explained, "Your father instructed me that Lord Haniel and Lord Muriel will come here today to get us."

I raised an eyebrow, unsure why.

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