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I was able to escape the palace exactly as I had planned. My idea had a little chance of succeeding, but I am delighted it did.

Right now, I am planning to take a break behind such an evergreen tree. I have used approximately the whole of my energy to escape the palace, which is why I am weary and powerless for now.

In any case, I look forward to visiting the Palace of Rouguemont. I am quite sure I have not gone around everything. It is far too big and vast. I believe there are several spots where I could get answers.

"Simmer down, Zilla." I reminded myself as I took a glance around.

I never imagined this day would arise. For years, my father only came to see me every once and a while. I have no idea what he is up to, but he always says he is working on something that will change the situation for me in the coming years. I always felt compelled to believe him, but I knew he was dishonest and withholding something from me.

It made me realized that I have been told to only ever speak the truth from when I was a small child, and I believed it must have been a pretty good advice. Nevertheless, as I got a bit older, I saw that the actual truth could indeed be muddled and chaotic, and that truthfulness do not often reflect for just how tough it could be. Truth is, in practice, an important key in good connections and commitment. However, some actually believe that the truth could well be veiled with maybe a little embroidery. Nevertheless, as time continued, I realized that whatever is truth will inevitably be unveiled, whereas what is deceptive will fade back in the closet.


When I heard Aella's voice; I took a deep breath. I'm not sure how she got out of the sealed palace and tracked me here.

"Aella!" I screamed, swinging my hand.

She must have seen me because she vanished from view and reappeared in front of me.

"You little witch! This time, your father is going to torture and kill me! Please, Zilla, let's go back." She pleaded; her voice laced with distress.

"You do realize I'm too stubborn to listen to you, do you?" I said, chuckling.

"Zilla, if you do not mind," she begged, "Just for once, listen to me."

"Aella, I was able to escape the sealed palace." I answered, "I would not waste the chance to learn the reality of the situation."

"Yet, what reality are you looking for?" She questions, bewildered.

I was rendered speechless. I am not sure either. Maybe it is something pertaining to my dream? I am curious if that is true.

"See? You have got no idea. So, before your father discovers out you ended up breaking the seal, let's just go back." Aella remarked.

"I was curious about the dream. What connection does it have to me?" I spoke.

"Zilla, it is just a dream. Do not go overboard." She spoke.

I laughed out loud and shook my head.

"Aella, the answers are most likely here. Perhaps that's why my father won't allow me visit here." I speculated.

She calmed down and looked around the place to see if we were completely secure.

"I'm not sure what he's been keeping from me about this place." I continued, "But I'm sure I'll figure out."

Anamnesis of a Love's Eclipse (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now