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Aella and I arrived at the Falterstone Palace in no time. Everyone was there, obviously expecting us. Drefan and Alastor decided to sit next to me on their seats, across from the throne in the center.

"Greetings, Goddess Deidamia, to the highest living divinity of all Gods." Aella spoke as she bowed down to me.

"We are delighted to see you around, Goddess Deidamia." They all kneeled.

"Please, prefer to call me Zilla. My powers and psyche from the ancient times may have come back, but Deidamia was dead and gone on that chaos back then. We are now in the present time, and I'd prefer it if you'd acknowledge me as Zilla." I said.

It's really not necessary, as I told Aella a while ago, to completely reinstate Deidamia's existence. Whatever the reason, we all should be talking about the present, and it is Zilla whose been having to live in the current time, not Deidamia.

I'm not saying either that they should lose sight of the fact about Deidamia from the olden days. It's just that the Deidamia they knew years ago thereafter died many years ago and now has given rise to a new Goddess.

"You may all rise up." I commanded.

The palace fell silent as guards appeared from within, holding Ariella, who had been chained and her hair color had started turning into silvery white.

"You're going to kill me as well? Go with it! I do not even fear you anymore!" Ariella yelled and screamed at me; her eyes filled with so much hate.

"After everything that has needed to happen, you really never end up regretting what you've done?" I tried to ask, dismayed.

At the very least, I would want her to offer an apology for everything she has made. Or, at the simplest level, try and show me some sense of remorse for what has taken place over the years. But I see no indications of remorse.

"But why should I?" Ariella questioned heartlessly. "I'll never ever be sorry for plotting to kill you, and even for the disarray I've tried to bring to all of the realms."

My jaw clenched in reaction to whatever she had spoken about. Ariella is not just a divine realm princess, but also a deity—not just for the divine realm, but also for the demon realm. But why wouldn't she give any reflections of possessing divinities blood and tears?

"Your father had died hoping to save you; why do you show me neither any shred of remorse?" I questioned.

She turned her head and grinned at me.

"My father is dead because of you; you brutally killed him." Ariella said silently enough for me to hear.

"Then kindly enlighten me, Princess Ariella, will the chaos in all the realms magically stop if I would not kill your father?" I tried to ask.

She started to look at me again, trying to hold back her tears coming.

"All he wished was a perfect place in the realms, to make a ruling over the realms as it was initially offered to him, but you took it all away from him!" She started yelling at me again, shaking and crying.

It hurt me at one moment. Why is everything nonetheless my fault in any way, both back then as Deidamia and now as Zilla? All I desired was the right choice for everyone, then why does it look or sound like everything I do is useless?

"He didn't want to die for all the realms even when it was his fate; who may well save all the realms if I don't consider taking up enough courage and take a stand for that inevitable death?" I questioned her, burning pain throughout my voice.

Anamnesis of a Love's Eclipse (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя