2. A Tale Of The Deadly Right Hook

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Melody's P.O.V.

"Okay, so pay attention now, kids," Em says as he stands on the top of one of the extremely comfortable looking chairs at the V.I.P. lounge, "Cause this is very important. Probably the most important thing you all will ever hear in your entire lives."

The after party is being held on the 1st floor lobby of this huge 5 star hotel. This place is truly something else, everything looking so luxurious like you truly wouldn't believe.

I was allowed to bring both of my girls with me, whom I managed to finally find at the concert after all of the craziness settled down. Right before we were even allowed to enter, we had to sign some type of a legal document, prohibiting us from ever disclosing anything we've ever seen or done at this party, which kind of made me nervous for LaLa a little bit, knowing that this girl can't hold water. Let me find out her ass will be later taken to court or some shit for not being able to keep her mouth shut to the press. God knows that girl loves attention. Well, I hope not...

In the meantime though, here we are. Sitting in the V.I.P. lounge with Eminem and his group, D12.

I still can't believe he asked me to come down here, and he doesn't even know me. Both LaLa and Jasmine were very impressed with me, they kept asking me what did I do to swing this, and I really ain't do shit.

But then, unfortunately, to both of my friends huge disappointment, Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg are not here at all, but they quickly get over it as we are just lounging around enjoying our drinks and the loud music playing from the speakers.

Since it is Eminem's after party, all that is being played is his songs and D12's songs from their album, so I get a much better idea at what his music actually sounds like. Until today, the only song of his I've ever heard is that silly My Name Is that is always on the radio. And I have to admit, so far, I'm really enjoying what I'm hearing. I mean, My Name Was alright too, it was catchy or whatever, but I was never really a huge fan of his from that song alone. But his other stuff playing at this party, I really dig it. There seems to be a much darker side to his music than I originally thought, and I like that.

Not to mention how he...

Girl, stop!!

I do my best to get my mind out of the gutter as I concentrate on Marshall doing his best to proceed to tell all of us what is so damn important. Gesturing with both his hands, one of which is holding a freshly cracked opened beer bottle, he seriously looks although he is gearing up to give some type of a drunken speech, only to be interrupted by his hype man, who I now know is called Proof.

The same guy that called me a groupie earlier. He rubbed me the wrong way back then, but I have since learned that he is actually really cool. He just has this vibe about him. This infectious type of aura that managed to put everybody else around him at ease.

"Oh shit, here he goes again with that shit!!" Proof says as everybody around begins to cackle. "He's about to give us his deadly right hook speech!"

Me, Jasmine and LaLa just look at each other like what the fuck is this supposed to be about?

And there's a bunch of other girls in there too, most of them tall and blonde (Jasmine told us that these are like typical Eminem fans and what is also apparently his type) who are also all listening intently.

While the rest of the D12 members, are all looking like they've heard about this unfamous right hook like a 1000 times before, but it never ceases to entertain them.

"Yo you are goddamn right! This right hook is deadly," Em says, flexing his arm. "This here is the deadliest weapon ever known to man. Once you're hit by this shit right here, it will knock you the fuck out like Mike Tyson."

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