Chapter 17: Weapon of War

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"Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory."

-George S. Patton


I'm now at the balcony of the castle, watching this country's people live their lives in peace. The threat of the demon army is still out there but instead of fearing for their lives, they decided to live in happiness.

I was staring at the statue of a man holding a sword and on his back is a woman with wings supporting him. The young magician, Merlin told me that they are the country's greatest hero, so I wonder, just how strong the Hero of Light and his wife is?

They left a huge effect on the hearts of everyone who lives, not just in this country, but in the others as well. They remind me of a certain someone I know.

It's also been four months since I was summoned in this world. I still can't believe that another world truly exist, I always thought that another world only exist in people's fantasy, who knew they truly exist? I guess the universe still has much more to offer.

"It seems like you're thinking about something, General?" I heard the young magician's voice behind me so I turn around and there, I saw her standing at the entrance of the balcony.

I took a deep breathe and return my eyes to the statue of the great hero, Roland.

"Yes, I was just wondering just how great of a hero, the Hero of Light was." She walks towards me and stand beside me as the both of us stare at the statue.

"They're the greatest heroes we could ask for, General. They sacrificed their own lives for this country." I can feel the pain in her voice, I heard it's been seven months since the Hero of Light passed away, but I can see that the pain inside their hearts remains the same.

"On that day when the demons attacked, they commanded their army to retreat for they already know that it was a battle they cannot win." She's suppressing her tears, and with just that, I understand how much she cares for the fallen Hero and his wife.

"Against the hundreds of thousands of enemies, the two of them rises and stopped the demons' invasion which cause them their lives." She added and reach her hands towards as if she's touching the statue of the heroes.

"Their death left an everlasting grief, sorrow, and love in the hearts of the people they protected. All that is left to them is their weapon and scarf, but they also left a memory, noone can forget."

After that, there is a deafening silence between the two of us. I can now agree that they are the greatest hero I have ever known. Even I, a general who fought countless of battles is not brave enough to do that heroic deeds. I wish I could've seen them atleast once.

"Moreover, General. This might be too insensitive for me to ask, but what happened to you in your previous world?" She asked me that made me reminisce the past. It was an unpleasant one.

"I am a Commandant General of a certain country called, Philippines. A country that was colonized by other countries yet it still remain standing." I said with a proud heart as a Filipino, yet I still can't suppress my rage for what happened that day in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija.

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