Chapter 7: The Future Generation

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"Nothing in the world can one imagine beforehand, not the least thing, everything is made up of so many unique particulars that cannot be forseen."

-Michel Nostradamus



I woke up and prepared early today with my wife, 'cause from this day onwards, I, the Hero of the Light, Roland will retire from being a Hero.

I've been thinking about this for a long time but I just made up my mind recently, I think I served the country enough, and now it's time for me to serve myself and my family.

I wore my armour and carry my sword, the Palace also prepared a carriage for us to use as transportation to the Castle.

"Are you ready to leave, Dear? The carriage is already here." I smiled at her and run my fingers through her smooth cheeks.

"Let's go, the kids are still sleeping. We should head out and come back early." I said and the two of us entered the carriage that will drive us to the Castle.

After a while, we have arrived at the Castle, King Luther is definitely waiting for us in the throne. I just hoped that my retirement will go smoothly.

Me and my wife, Azrael walks towards the throne and kneel in the presence the King. He is with his wife, Queen Igraine and the Sorceress Merlin.

"Good Morning, Your Majesty, I thank you for accepting my humble request in giving me a bit of your time."

"Rise, you two. I will never say no to a friend and the hero of this country. Say Roland, what is it that you desire?" I don't know where should I start, and how should I explain to him that I will be retiring from being a hero.

To be honest, I'm very nervous right now and I don't know what to say.

My wife gently squished my hand and she looked at me with a smile which made me feel at ease.

I see now, what am I hesitating for? I'm doing this for myself and for my whole family. I need to be brave enough to speak what's on my mind.

"I humbly ask for your permission to let me retire as a hero and let me live my life as a normal citizen of Enthopia." I said as I stand firmly.

I can't guess what King Luther is thinking while looking at me with a straight face, I just hope that this ends well.

He stand in his throne and slowly walks towards us. I'm ready for anything that will happen. I prepared myself even if it comes to worst.

I was ready to be punished and waiting for him to draw his sword and slash me, but instead, he hold my shoulders and hugged me.

"I'm glad you've made up your mind, Roland. I'm glad that once more, I can treat of you as my friend and not a hero. I've been waiting for this moment all this time, us talking again, without concerning our statuses." Is this for real? I thought that I'll be punished.

"But the Demon Lord is still lurking in the shadows, is it really fine for me to retire from my duties?"

He looked at me with a smile and said.

"You have served this country well, my friend, you've been true to your responsibilities and commitment for our country, we couldn't ask for more."

I'm flattered by his words. I guess, it's really fine for me to put down my sword and carry my children instead. I did my best... I know I did... I can look at my countrymen's eyes with no regrets.

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