Chapter 3: The Sword Saint

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"Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love."

-Tapan Ghosh


Me and Roland descended near the front of the Kingdom's gate. I have no idea why do we have to land here first if we can just fly over this high walls. It made me curious that's why I asked the question.

"Why do we have to descend here? We can just fly over and head directly to your house can't we?" He just smiled at me and mess my hair.

"There's a magic barrier protecting the entire kingdom and my flight magic will be dispelled once we hit that barrier."

I see, now I understand. I followed him as he started walking towards the kingdom's gate. I can't help but to be mesmerized by the size of their gate, it's extremely huge!

When we're almost near the Kingdom's guards, Roland whispered something to me. "We'll get in trouble if they know that you're not from this realm. Let's avoid that and follow my lead."

I'm still confused about what he said but I guess I have to obey him, afterall, I still haven't learned anything about the mortals since I came here.

Before we completely enter the Kingdom, all of the guards salutes at him. He's very famous huh? He entered first and I quickly followed him but I was blocked by the Kingdom's guard.

"Please state your name and present your emblem." I don't know what to do and I have no idea what are they talking about. I'm not even from this realm in the first place.

I was about to run away but one of the guards grabbed my wrist. This is bad, what should I say?! And why isn't that guy not doing anything?! "Speak up!"

I started chanting my spell to release my divine power but Roland tapped the guard's shoulder and smile while saying.

"Please take your hands off of my wife." My blood quickly runs to my head and my heart starts to beat faster than normal, I can also feel my face burning! Just what in the world is he talking about!?

I saw the guards looking at me full of confusion while the guy who caused it just winks at me. I see, so this is why he said that I follow his lead earlier. I sighed in disbelief. He's really a fool isn't he?

I took a deep breathe and smiled awkwardly to the guards. "Y-yes, Roland is my husband. My name is Azrael." I hesitantly said, and hoped they'll believe us.

I was so shocked when the guards kneel before me and bow their heads. "We're so sorry for our impudent act towards you, Lady Azrael! We'll accept any punishment from you!" They respect Roland so much to the point that they will even serve me, his wife.

Though I'm not his real wife anyway. I looked at him but all I saw was a grin pasted in his face that pisses me off! I'll definitely punish him later.

"I-it's fine, it's fine. It's not that big of a deal."

"We thank you for pardoning us, Lady Azrael. But we would like to ask you to please go to the Kingdom's guild office and ask for your own emblem and identification card." One of the guards ask and handed me a piece of card. "For the meantime, use this temporary pass so you can enter the city anytime you want." He added and returned to his post.

"Got it." I said and quickly run towards Roland and hold his arm. I angrily smiled at him and pinched his arm. "You fool, why did you tell them I'm your wife, huh?" I angrily whispered at him.

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