Once they arrived to the hospital Connor was taken into a room and Zoe tried to follow
" ma'am you can't go in,"
" he's my brother dumbass, let me in, he needs me,"
" go wait, you parents have been called they will arrive shortly,"
Zoe nodded and sat down running her hands through her hair
Blood was smeared all over her face and clothes
She sat there letting her adrenaline slow when she started sobbing shaking
"ZOE honey what happened? are you okay? who's blood is that?" Cynthia worried
" I'm fine, Connor he, he tried to kill himself again,"
"Oh,, oh my God, is he okay,"
" i don't know, he was stable last time I saw him. That was a few hours ago,"
" he's so fucking selfish, he's just doing this for attention," Larry grumbled
Zoe sighed
"Where was he, where did you find him?" Larry grumbled
" bathroom, he was in the bath," Zoe shivered
" so he fucking stained the bath, tiles and most likely out towels
" oh larry, "
Connor slowly opened his eyes expecting to see the fiery pit of hell, but he didn't he saw a hospital room his arms heavly bandaged
" hi mr murphy how are you feeling?" A nurse walked in
" like I got hit, by a ten ton truck,"
The centre chuckled " your family's here, do you want to see them?"
" can I ,"
The nurse nodded a understanding smile
"Hes awake,"

They rushed and followed the nurse how stopped them right at his door
" Connor is still fragile and is on some strong pain killers so he's kind of loopy, he was talking about how garlic hot dog buns would make spaghetti sandwitches a lot more popular," she smiled
Zoe snorted in response
"So hes high basically?" Larry sighed
" on pain meds, yes,"
Zoe opened the door cringing when it creeked
"Hi Connor," she whispered
"Zoe, what the fuck did they do to clippy," he sounded almost distraught
A small.smile tugged at zoes lips " i don't know connor,"
She pulled a chair up next to the bed
She looked at her brother his forearms covered in white thick bandages
Connor slumped in the bed
" I'm tired,"
" sleep then, hey," she smiled putting her hand to his forehead
" i like that hansen," he muttered drowsily and shut his eyes
" i know, I know you do,"
Larry walked in next with a huff, not even glancing at his son laying still on the bed he sat in the corner on his phone and making calls about how he's going to miss the dinner and how embarrassed he is for how his wife reacted.

While Cynthia couldn't look she felt like a failure that maybe she could've done somthing.
When Connor eyes opened again he was in throbbing pain in his forearms and head
He groaned
"Hey idiot, still upset about clippy?" Zoe chuckled
" you off your ass, on pain meds,"
Connor didn't smile or laugh he just sat up pulling his knees to his chest and cried
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking,"
Zoe sighed " its okay, con,"
Larry laughed
" its NOT okay, this is just some selfish cry for attention, you've made a fucking mess in the bathroom we need to rip up the bathroom tiles again and get new towels,"
What Larry didn't know what was a nurse walked in and heard everything
" we don't do fathers right now, so can you leave," the nurse smiled snarkly
Larry huffed and stormed out of the room muttering about the towels

"Hey Connor, how you feeling," the nurse smiled softly
" as if I was better off dying," connor snuffled wiping his tears away
" hey, don't say that," Zoe whispered
" well obviously Larry believes i should be dead,"
The nurse steered Connor off the subject and asked to see the stitches which were fine, they hadn't been pulled.
A few minutes later when she was putting a new bag of pain killers on connors iv Larry stormed back in
"I want to talk to you miss nurse," Larry grumbled
The nurse kindly nodded and walk out of the room
They could hear yelling Somthing about connir not going to a 'fucking nut house'
Connor got sent home thr next day with bandages and gauze for his arms, soon as Connor slipped inot the car next to Zoe Larry started shouting
"Fucking hell Connor, do you know the amount on mess you made, your fucking blood stained the tiles, the bath and those fucking white towels, those towels cost 100 bucks you do realise that right, fucking selfish,"
Connor looked out the window
" guessing I'm going to school tomorrow," Connor grumbled
" yes of fucking course you are, are you even listening,"
Again Connor didn't respond, as soon as he got hom he stormed to his room and slammed the door shut
He could hear fighting of is dad and his mum
His sister slipped into his room
" are you okay,"
Connor smiled at his sisters kindness
" nah, not really,"
" well I'm staying in here tonight ill sleep on the floor,"
"Zoe," connir started to argue
" nope, no arguing,"
Connor huffed and grabbed the remote and flipped on netflix and turned on the live action scooby doo
And watched it enjoying the flim before passing out because he was tired
He slept untill the next day he was awoken by zoes alarm
" no," he groaned and pulled his blanket over his head
" come on shit head," Zoe grumbled stretching out on the floor
Connor let out a groan but sat up
He rolled put of his and grabbed some black sweat pants and his maroon sweater
" ill be right back let me get changed," Zoe grumbled not bothering with make up
Connor pulled them in and grabbed his converse hightops and pulled them in tying them up he stood up and grabbed his bag with a note book, his sketch book and a few pens and pencils
He walked down stairs looking at the clock 6:30 he sighed and sat at the end of the table leaning his head against the table
"Lets go,"
Connor jumped
" bloody fuck,"
Zoe appeared out of nowhere
" why are we leaving so early?" Connor whined
" you want coffee right?"
Connor nodded slumping out if the chair
" your buying," he grumbled
They slipped in the car and drove to the local Starbucks zoe got a iced coffee while connor got a hot mocha, they then drove to school and Connor sighed and got out of the car he felt someone bump into his forearm he quietly hissed
" shit sorry dude," Zoe whispered
" why are you walking next to me," Connor muttered his head down looking at his feet avoiding the stares from his peers be was obviously sick looking
He was paler than normal and he had massive bags under his eyes
" because I'm still worried about you,"
" Zoe I'm fine, I promise, people are starting to give us weird looks," Connor picked at his nail polish
" fine," Zoe whispered and walked off Connor sighed as he reached his locker and lent his head on the cool metal he sighed shutting his eyes letting the cool metal stop his headache
"Connor?" A voice interrupted his peace
He turns his head and sees evan hansen standing there squeezing his bag straps with shocked expression
" you, you were,"
Connor opened his locker and hid his face in his locker
" what was i?"
" your wrists they,"
Connor stopped a pjt growing in his stomach, of course his crush, he was going to come over and study with Zoe
"And im really glad your okay, b-because I like you, more than friends,"
" i- i um,"
" i need to go,"
Connor slammed his locker and ran down the hall finding a bathroom sliding down the wall tears building up in his eyes crying harshly but not daring to make a noise
"Connor?" Evan asked " Connor are you in here," Evan rounded the corner and soon as he saw Connor he ran up and knelt infront of him
" oh God, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just spoke before,"
Connor just shook his head " ots not your fault, I should be in a mental ward, I got out of hospital yesterday. You deserve better evan, why do you like me,"
" your really funny, kind, you hair is somehow always soft and fluffy, I love you because you don't care what others think and you keep me calm, you don't deserve this pain. You deserve planets, the moons, every tree in the world, you deserve happiness,"
Connor grabbed onto Evans shirt, pulling him into a hug
" your amazing,"
They sat there hugging on the dirty tile if the men's bathroom
" so tonight movies?" Connor asked
" what,"
" for our date silly,"
Evan smiled " okay, pick me up at 7,"
Connor finished school and met up with Zoe
" sooo, can I borrow your car at 7 I have a date,"
" you can borrow it if you clean it when you're fully recovered,"
" yes I will,"
Zoe smirked
" so who's the lucky guy,"
"Evan hansen," Connor played with his hands
connors head snapped up " how did you know,"
" you being high on pain meds,"
Connor chuckled " right."
They where silent the rest of the drive, once they got home Connor went straight to his room ignoring larrys comments.
He looked for decent clothes he found a nice black shirt with no paint stains and it didn't smell ominously like weed, he pulled on his jeans and a flannel with a hoodie over it, he pulled on his boots
He walked down stairs grabbing a water
" you look nice," Cynthia smiled
" thanks,"
" why do you look nice, your wore sweatpants to school,"
" hes got a date," Zoe said drink her milkshake
" with who, do we know her?" Cynthia smiled
" umm, its uh, evan hansen, zoes friend,"
"Wlep, I've gotta go, might stay the night at Evans I dunno,"
With that he grabbed zoes keys and shut the door
He found the hansen household quite easy as he saw evan getting talked to by a woman would Cynthia's age evan assumed his mother, he slipped out of the car
"Hey, ms hansen, my name is Connor,"
" yes Evans told me about you and I've heard a few things about you,"
Connor blushed
" what stuff may I ask,"
" that you ah, are very sweet and kind, but what I've heard is that your father yelled at one of my friends so you wouldn't go to quote "nut house,"
"I'm sorry for that, my father he doesn't believe in mental health and thinks my suicide attempt was for attention,"
" its fine dear, how are you arms?" She questioned
" there fine, I changed the gauze before I came here,"
" mum can we go now," evan mumbled
"sure dear, Connor you can stay for the night but no hanky panky,"
Evans face burst in a deep red shade "MUM," his voice cracked
Connor snorted " yes ms hansen,"
" mum is it okay if Connor stays for the night?"
" yes of course, have fun you two,"
Connor gave a short and smiling nod
Before walking with evan to his car and opening the door for evan watching him slide in and shutting it for him
" so movies?"
Evan smiled
The drive was smooth Connor drove slower than he would normally because he had evan in his car and he cared about him.
There date went smooth they went to dinner then watched a movie evan yawned
" you tired," Connor smiled
"No," evan smiled
Evan looked at connor
'Do it,' the voice pestered
' put your hand on his thigh'
Evan Took a deep breath and reached over placing his hand on connor lower thigh
" hi," Connor smiled looking over at
Evan went to pull his hand away thinking connor didn't like it. Connor took one hand off the steering wheel and grabbed Evans hand intertwining there fingers he brought Evans hand to his face and he gently kissed evans hand and then kept it sitting in his lap hands still intertwined
" you didn't hate it?" Evan asked smiling
" evan I could never hate anything you did,"
Evan smiled and felt home with Connor.
Evan ended up falling asleep in the car his hand still in connors, he stopped the car and gets out he opened the door for evan and gently shook his shoulder
"Evan sweetheart your home,"
"Noooo," he whined
" do you want me to carry you,"
" yeahhh,"
Connor sighed and unplugged evan and puvked him up avoiding to hit him in the head with door,
He held wevN like he would a toddler and kicked the door shut locking it he walked up to the hansens porch " how somone so small, so fucking heavy," he grunted and knocked on the door
Mrs handsen opened the door
"Oh my," she chuckle " do you need help,"
"Wheres his room?" Connor smiled sweetly
"Just down the hall to the left three doors down,
Connor nodded and carried evan to his room placing him on thr double bed he kissed evan on the forehead before he heard giggling coming from evan
Connor looked over and saw the boy was awake eyes open looking in awe,
" you ass," Connor laughed crushing evan with his weight
" i carried your heavy cute ass up stairs,"
" i didn't think you would do it,"
" i did it cause I like you,"
Evan giigled and looked inot connors eyes
Noticing the little fleck of blue in his eye
" you have blue," he muttered
" um yeah, I just, I'm insecure about it, its ugly,"
" its not ugly, its beautiful, I love it," evan smiled putting his arms around connors neck pulling him closer ther nose bumping against each other
"Oh do you," Connor smirked
"I do. I really do,"
Connor closed there gap kissing him firmly on the lips, evan rolled Connor to lay down while evan was sat on top the kissed for a while. Evans eventually fell asleep his head hiding against connors neck softly snoring
Connor reached for his phone and quickly texted Zoe
Connor: not coming home tonight, I'll pick you up in the morning, Evans fell asleep on me,"

Zoe: that's kinda gay.
Zoe: well enjoy your night.

And Connor shut off his phone and wrapped his bandaged arm around evan protectively.

Heidi walked in a few hours later and saw then cuddled up she swore she saw a small smile on connors face, sonthing he never did in the hospital or when his family visited him, she only saw it today with evan. Now she doesn't know connor, she doesn't know what his family is like, but she knows evan is good for him and vice versa.

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now