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Scarlett POV

Chris and lizzie have taken a couple of times of work to go and see madeline. Up until bow i didn't have the courage to do so but it's like something inside me changed. And that might be after what happened last night with colin.

Last night i noticed colin was being more off then otherwise so i decided to give him some space, big mistake. I didn't want to bother him by talking about whatever it was and i just let him be.

He became moodier towards the end of the night and went to bed before me and when i go there he was sitting up against the headboard staring into nothing while he was playing with the stuffed dog from madelines room.

I got in bed next to him and decided to finally ask what was going on. I was taken back by him snappikg at me. "What's wrong? You wanna know what's wrong scar? The fact that your daughter has been on tour for over a month and you haven't even done as mich as send her a goodluck text. You've done nothing to show her that you care, absolutely nothing." He starts and i just look ag him in surprise "you know how mad she was at you for saying all thise things and you didn't even try to make it roght before she left. And maybe if you did she would've at least called us and then i would her her voice again. You know how much i miss her, you do. And i know you miss her to but yet you don't show any intrest on making things work again." He says and i don't make eye contact. "I- i'm sorry" i day and he shakes his head "you don't have to tell me you're sorry but i'm asking you one thing. I want you to apologose and fix things worh her, so that when her tour is done my little giel can come back home. I can't stand bot having her around and it hurts me to know that my dirl is in pain all the way over there while you are here sleeping wothout any guilt of hurting her" he says and i nod. "I'm sorry and i'm going to fix things with our little girl" i tell him and he takes me in his arms "i'm sorry for being a dick today but it really got on my nerves" her apologises but i'm quick to shush him.

So today i asked to get time off to go see her in chicago. They told me to take as much time as i wanted to fix things with her and i really apreciated that. So i was on my way to chicago the next morning to get to my baby and fix this mess, or at least trying to.

When i arrived i was lucky that i knew sole of the wrew and they got me a place in the criwd where they wouldn't harras me the whole time and i would be able to see her perform.

As i expected she did wonderfull but i couldn't help but feel so guilty when she sang her new song that is definetly about me. The words hit hard but i know mine must've hit her harder for her to write this about it.

After her concert i tried looking for her but cloudn't find her, i had to ask someone from the crew and she's in her dressing room.

When i got to the door i took a minute to gather myself and then i walked in. At forst she thought i was lizzie but i just froze in my place, i was unable to move or speak at that moment. She's grown since i last saw her. "Can we talk?" I ask her even more quiet than a mouse and she looks at me with a blank expression for a bit like she's weighting her options here.

Madeline POV

I'm thinking about my options here. I mean i could not talk and ignore her, but than things won't get fixed and then i'll be without a mom all over again. And i could let her talk and possibly forgive her, but then she'll be able to break my trust and hurt me all over again.

"Five minutes" was all i said before sitting down on the sofa while staring at her.

She waited a minute before she spoke up. "You've grown since the last time i saw you" she said and i chuckled "wow is that really the first thing ypu've gotta say to me. God and here i was thinking you actually cared and came here to apologise" i say and i walk to the door.

She remained quiet and just as i was leaving the room i turned around and saw her frozen to her spot. "You know for over two weeks i was so mad at you, for everything. For he thing with the cigarettes, for not listening to me when i tried to talk, for putting me behind my siblings, for leaving me and for not being there when i needed you most. I gave you plenty of opportunities to apologise and do better, and yet every time ypu fail me. But listen carefully to what i'm about to tell you now scarlett. My patience is running low, my faith is almost gone and chanves of me giving you more than one more chance are slim to none. If you really want to fix things i'd suggest you start putting in a bit more effort, if not, you might lose me forever" i tell her and leave her in the room to think about all the things i just told her.

The rest of the night went by fast and i haven't heard anything else from scarlett.

So i've got a question for you guys. I'd like to give chris a girlfriend in this book. So i'd like to know what celeberty you want to get together with chris?

Also what are we thinking about the book this far?

I don't know how long this book will be but we're getting closer and closer to 100 chapters and i still got some ideas to put in here.

Read the next chapter to follow along madeline's journey.

Till the next chapter babes<3

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