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Annabelle POV

I turned to them and i couldn't realy read their faces. "Well that went better than i tought" i say and now they're confused. "I know you might not think so but jackson will want to see you again and that will be your ticket in with madeline. She can't say no to her brother because she alsways put his happiness first so she'll come around. I can get jackson alone for the first time and maybe the second time but from then on i'm sure mads will tag along even if it's just for her brother." I tell them and i see relief all iver their faces. "So when can we meet jackson" chris asks.  "Well they're staying over at jades to ight so tomorrow afternoon i can get him. We could meet at this little shop, they sell slushies and all kinds of sweets it's one of  the twins favourite places here." I reply and they smile and nod. "Okay i'll give you the adress just meet us there at 3:30 p.m" i say "okay thank you for bringing us tonight and for you effort we'll see you there." Chris says and i shake both their hands and walk away. I feel e bit guilty for ignoring their wishes but one day they'll thank me, i'm sure about that.

Jackson POV

The whole night i couldn't stop thinking about them, our parents. I never wanted to see them because they made mads feel miserable but i've always wanted them to be there so i think i'll ask anna to meet then for real this time. It doesn't mean i'll forgive them just like that but if they make an effort to get to knos us i'll have to make one to. I sent anna e text and se told me she'd come get me tomorrow and i'm happy about it.

The next day mads stays at jade's place and i leave with anna to meet chris and scarlett. I'm honestly kinda nervous i mean what if they don't like me and don't want me in their life anymore. God i need to stop overthinking this. By the time i get out of my own head we arrived at bailee's, our favourite shop. I see them sitting at a table and walk up to them. We order some slushies and now it's time to talk and get to know them.

Madeline POV

I couldn't stop thinking about last night, why did they have to come looking for us. I was angry and confused, i want to hate them but i can't and that's the thing that infuriates me because as mich as i want to hate them i can't help but wanting them to love me. I've been moody ever since and i barely slept last night, i've been in my head all the time wondering why they left us, what our life would be like if they never gave us up, was i the reason that made them give up, do they want us or just jackson like everybody else does. I realy need to stop these toughts but i can't because i know they did it because of me, they probably always wanted a son but they didn't want to separate us so they came back for him. I just happen to be part of the package deal.

I don't know how long i've been in my head but i'm snapped out of it by jade's voice. "Okay you've been moody ever since last night and you're stuck in your head. So we both know the only thing that makes us feel better is the jade and mads slushie specail from bailee's. Now get your ass up end get ready to walk and talk because you're not getting out of the talk." She said and leaves me in her room to get dressed.

After getting ready we walk to bailee's it's a twenty minute walk but at our pace it's more like thirty minutes. "Okay speak up what's going on in that head of yours" jade says. "Well i'm not sure i just wonder why. Why did they come back now, why did they leave us in the first place. But also like what would our life be like if they didn't send us away or what made them choos to give us up. Maybe they only wanted a son and they didn't have the heart to separate us. And i'm pretty sure it's because they didn't want me testarday i saw it the way they lookd at jackson it was full of love and regret but with me it wasn't. They only came back for him" i finish as we walk into the shop. We order and jade starts talking while i look around. "Okay mads listen up we both know that's not true they want you to" she starts and then i see them sitting, talking and laughing like one big happy family. Like nothing ever happened, like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Look right over there and tell me they want me" i tell jade and grab my order and storm out of the shop.

Jackson POV

They weren't as bad as i tought, they talked and i listened, i talked they listened. We ended up having fun catching up on things. I didn't even notice a person walking up to us until i saw jade with a fusious face looking at me and my smile quickly fades away. "Jade what are ypu doing here maddi was supposed to be with you where is she?" I ask her and she chickles "well it's quite a funny story actualy your sister has been so moody ever since last night so we came here for our special slushies. On the walk here she told me about you guys" she says the last part directed to chris and scarlett. "She told me about her toughts. She wonders why you did it and why you came back now. She wonders if you ever wanted her or if you wanted just a son. But most of all she thinks you only came back for jackson because he's the only one you want and that she's not good enough to be your child and she doesn't deserve your love. Now ofourse i was trying to tell her she was wrong but then we saw you three sitting here like one happy family. I guess you can imagine my words didn't mean a thing and now she's convinced you don't want her. So congrats your chances on getting her back are getting slim if that's even what you want. And congrats to you to jack you fucked up so bad, i've always known you were lying when you said you didn't want to meet them and dee down mads does know to but she was happy that you were on her side for once and she didn't have to change her mind to please you. But right now ypu fucked up so bad that i don't even know what it's going to take to get on her good side again because there are so many bad things she's been trough for you and at the one thing she tought you had her back you proved her wrong." She fonishes. The only thing i got out of that was the part about the bad things she's been trough "what do you mean? What bad things?" I ask jade. "That's not my story to tell madeline trusted me with that information and i'm not betraying her like you did." She turns to chris and scarlett again "i would say it's nice to meet you because actualy i'm a big fan but right now it's not nice to meet you because you lost most of my respect for hurting my best friend. And you wanna know the best part i know mads and as much as she wants to hate you she can't but i sure as hell can so if you ever want a shot at her being your daughter get your act together and figure out how to get her back." She says and walks off.

I was feeling so much things right now but most of all i was confused. What bad things did she go trough that she didn't want to tell me. I know that some of our foster parents weren't always as nice to her but that's all. And than there's the guilt of lying to her about not wanting to meet them, going behind her back, and most of all not having her back when she always had mine. I wasn't in the mood for failu reunion anymore so i gave them my phone numbzr and some adresses to okaces maddi like to go when she's upset. It looked like a better idea for them to go find her instead of me.

This is a longer chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and that you are liking the story so far.

Lmk if tjere's something you want to see or want me to change about the story.

Also i'm pre-writing this story because i work at a resaurant so i don't always have time to write and i want to update every day or every othet day if possible.

I hope you all have a great day🤍

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