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Madeline POV

Lizzie and i were laughing while we walked in but thet quickly faded when we saw a very angry scarlett standing in front of us. She wasn't saying anything, just staring at us like she would kill us and it made me really uncomfortable so i decided to break the silence. "Sorry that we're this late but it's my fault" i start and lizzie looks at me shocked " where have you been all day?" She asks and i know for a fact that she knows because lizzie sent her video's "we were at the studio with robbie and robert you saw that in the video's lizzie sent you" i tell her calm but i can feel myself getting annoyed by her anger. "You're right that was a stupid question. Why are you this late?" She asks towards lizzie but before she can speak i answer "well we were singing and i didn't want to go home yet so we ate and lost track of time. It's all my fault lizzie told me to come home but i wanted to do more songs so i convinced her" i say and lizzie is to stunned to speak. "I'll let it slide this one time but don't do that again. If you're gonna be late just text me i was so worried something might've happened" she says and tries to hug me but i step back. If there's one thing in the world i hate just a little less than being hurt it's people who change their moods like a snap of a finger "look i don't get why you're starting this agin just like last time i went shopping with lizzie. You get angry for no reason and i don't understand you at all, lizzie is an adult and i've taken care for myself my whole life so you don't have to get worried about me now." I say and i walk towards the stairs "oh and by the way you're really bipolar scarlett one moment you act all worried like you actualy care but the other moment i'm nothing more than a piece of shit to you" i say and run upstairs and glop on my bed. Why did such a good day have to end like this.

Scarlett POV

Today lizzie took mads to meet robbie and go to the studio wich i think is a great idea because lizzie told me how much she loves music. I tought i'd have a day with my son since rose is in france with her dad but apperantly chris was taking him out today. Colin was away for work so i was left alone with my toughts all day. I was distracting myself by cleaning the whole house until my phone went off. It was matka calling me to ask when she could see the twins, i know it's stupid but i don't want her to meet them before mads and i get along a bit better so i told her some lame excuse. We had a little argument about me coming up with excuses all the time because the woman always knows when i'm lying or making up excuses and i completly get why she's mad, the twins were with her most of the time so she missed them a lot. After a long argument wich she won i got e text from lizzie, she sent me some pictueres and video's of madeline singning and laughing with robbie and that made me so jealous again. She just met the guy and she's so comfortable around him, singing and laughing, why can't she be like this with me. After the first ones i got a few more video's wich only madr my jealousy build up to anger and when she wasn't there for dinner i could explode out of anger. Lizzie nor madeline sent me a text saying they would stay late and i was so worried because they were supposed to be there. I know exactly why i got so mad, it wasn't because i was worried but it was my jealousy, she wanted to stay linger woth lizzie and she doesn't even want to spend some time with me. When she told me she didn't understand why we were arguing about that agin i knew she was right and my anger flew away and guilt took over, i keep messing up with her and i don't even realise i'm doing it until after the damage is done.

Lizzie explained exactly what happened and madeline was telling the truth and i feel even more guilty for getting mad at her, it's just that i can't hanlde my jealousy and i let it out in the wrong ways. Tomorrow evening i have some of the marvel cast coming over and i fon't know if she'll be to happy with it, i guess she will stay in her room to avoid me like usual.

Madeline POV

The next day i stayed in bed as long as i could because i didn't want to face scarlett but i got hungry so i went downsatirs to get an apple. I didn't see her when i got down but suddenly she was there "goodmorning i just want to tell you that some of my friends from marvel are coming over tonight" she says "okay" i answer and walk back upstairs wich is where i'll be when the guests are here.

The day went by rather quickly, jackson came home and we talked for a while, we called jade and mason, i wrote some more lyrics and i ate lots of snacks. And right now i'm sitting at my desk with my earphones in, music blasting trough them, while working on some drawings for lizzie's birthday. I have no clue about what time it is but i don't care, i got food up here and i don't have to be around scarlett so it doesn't matter to me. At some point rolling in the deep by adele came on and that's one of my favourite songs so i started singing along.

OH MY GOD! I just saw that this book is #1 in evansson!

Okay so a random fun fact no one asked for but i got a random nosebleed while writing this.

Are there others that get random nosebleeds aswell or is it just me?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have the best day🤍

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