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Madeline POV

I don't want to go live with them to be honest, at least not yet. I don't think i'm ready to see them everyday and face them all the time. Right now is okay for me because i can do what i want and see them whenever i want and i can choose when i don't see them.

Right now i'm in jackson's room waiting for him to come back from mason's. I wait for like fifteen minutes before he comes home "hey what are you doing here?" He asks me as he enters the room. "I think we meed to talk about that whole custody thing with chris and scarlett" i tell him and he just nods. I tale that as a sign to start talking again so i do "i don't think i wanna live with them." I tell him and his face changes. "What do you mean you don't want to live with them. They are our parents and they cale back for us to be a family i tought you wanted to get to know them. I tought that was the reason you went with them today." He says "i do want to know them but i donnt wanna live with them at least not right now" i tell him "well younll have to eventualy because after school we're going back with them to NY to live woth scarlett" he says angry at me and i'm just shocked "what do you mean we're going to NY?" I ask him. " well they want to take us home with them when school's done" he says and i'm so shocked. "They can't do that i sonnt want to leave here. Here we have jade and mason and our lives you can't be serious that ypu want to go with them can you?" I ask him angrily "well i actualy do want to go with them and you will come to and to make it even better i'll text them right now that we spoke and we'll move in woth them on saturday because if i don't younll never give them e real cahnce to try and make it up to us!" He screams "god could ypu be anymore selfish. I literaly told you i'm not ready and your going to force me to go?" I ask and he just nods "well okay just remember you broutght this on yourself" i tell him and i walk away.

Jackson POV

I was so mad at her for not giving them a chance so i think forcing her to come will be the right thing to do. At least i hope so because i know she can make it a living hell if she wants to. So right now i'l texting scarlett and chris telling them we talked and we'll move in saturday. They day they'll come pick us up around 10 and i tell thel that's okay. I make my way to mads to let her know. The door was open so i walk in and i see her writing something in a notebook i haven't seen before "hey what are you doing?" I adk her and she shuts the book quickly ant turns around "nothing you need to know." She says and i'm confused, we never keep secrets from eachother. I guess i was thinking for to long because she spoke up again "so was there something you wanted or are ypu gonna keep staring at me like that?" She asks. "Oh yeah i wanted to tell you they'll pick us up at 10 on saturday so we'll need to be ready." I tell her and she just nods and turns back around but doesn't open the notebook again. I'll have to ask her about is when were on good terms because now she wonnt tell me shit.

Scarlett POV

When we got the text form jackson i was jumoing up and down screaming. I was so incredibly happy! My babies are coming home. Chris was sitting with the biggest smile on her face i know he's thrilled as well. Both of us know we have a long way to go with the both of them but we'll do whatever it takes.

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