Chapter 52: The Present

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"Which one do you think we should get, the red or the blue?"

Tomike and Dayo were at an IKEA store shopping for their new apartment. She had saved up enough money for a nice condo in Brighton and she was excited that she'd finally be moving from her cubicle apartment downtown. Up next, she'd change her car.

She held up two throw pillows so Dayo could compare.

"I'll go for the blue, it has a sophisticated look to it. Plus the red is a bit too much"

"Hmm, and for that very reason I'll go for the red. The couch is grey and the red pillow would give it a much needed pop of colour. Let's go with it"

Dayo rolled his eyes "Then why did you ask my opinion if you had decided which of them you wanted?"

"So you won't say I left you out of the house decor. Besides I thought you'd say red"

They both chuckled as Dayo shook his head.

They walked side by side, Dayo gripping tightly his walking stick, his limping figure towering over his mother's. They inspected each item they came by and whatever they were interested in Tomike would note down on a small jotter she held in her hand.

"How's Todd?" Dayo quickly blurted out. He'd been wanting to ask for a while but wasn't sure it was the right time, but he did so anyways.

Tomike stood up from the squat position she took to inspect a vase that was on a side stool.

"He's doing alright. He sends his regards"

"Can I go see him anytime soon?"

"Unfortunately, you can't, at least not until he's out. Only a few people can visit at this time, I'm sorry" Tomike patted her son's back as a way of consoling him.

"Well if you say he's alright, that's all that's important right? Hope he's no longer looking so thin? Are they treating him well?"

"Well rehab isn't prison, of course they are treating him well. Especially since it's one of those boujee ones. And he's putting on some good weight"

Dayo nodded.

"I still can't believe that someone I called my best friend was doing drugs and I didn't know. It's just crazy"

"I don't think you should blame yourself much mom, you two had been quite distant for a while. I noticed something was up that's why I was a bit worried, that his girlfriend really messed him up. But at least now he's getting help"


After a long while of walking around the showroom, they headed over to the warehouse to pick up what they had chosen.

"Mom, I think I need to sit. My leg..." Dayo looked like he was in pain and Tomike knew right then she had stressed him too much, she felt guilty.

"Oh dear. This is my fault, I'm so sorry" she helped him settle down on an iron stool an attendant was sitting on. "Sit here"

"Mom it's not your fault, I'm the one who insisted on going shopping with you" he handed her his walking stick as he sat.

"Still, I should have said no. Anyways, thankfully we've got everything we want, I'll just take it over to them so they can package it and have it sent home for us. I'll be back for you so we can grab some lunch before heading home" Tomike immediately dashed to the counter.


"So what do you want to study in college?"
Tomike asked her soon after taking a sip of her chai tea. He looked up at her from his burger surprised.

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