Chapter 51

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{1st Peron POV}

After a day of walking around sightseeing and meeting the rulers of Kyoto, I can safely say I am out of energy, and for those of you who don't believe, try and walk in the sun for hours on end then have to sit through a company meeting then come back to me. Dumb little shits...

Anyhow, since night had come along, I decided to retire in my room for the day... Is what you thought I'd say! No way in hell I am going back to that decrepit old room that crow gave me, and now there's not going to be a Valkyrie standing in my way!...

After arriving back at the hotel, I did a quick stealth check and like a shadow moving along the walls, I'd arrived at the girl's dorm. Solid snake would be proud... Anyway, after sneaking my way in here, I'd opened the door to the church girls' room. Thankfully they were all asleep, so I was able to slither into one of their beds undetected, I know that sounds kind of creepy but desperate times call for just as desperate solutions.

I moved silently through the soft sheets, getting JUST close enough to our resident blue haired sword wielder without waking her up. It was kind of nerve racking to say the least, but I've yet to lose faith in my skills.

Now mere inches away from a sleeping Xenovia, I finally relaxed my nerves and prepared to go to sleep in the comfort embrace of a nice bed. Or... At least that was the plan anyway... Truth be told, no plan survives first contact with the enemy, like ever.

Xenovia: ''Mmm... Ngh...''

In an unprecedented turn of events, the sleeping girl turned around and latched her arms around me. I immediately froze in place while I checked to see if she was awake, she wasn't... I didn't think she of all people would move so dangerously in her sleep, and now I must pay for that oversight.

Y/N: ''(Well... The hug is nice and all, but It's kind of hard to focus on the hug itself with two pillows in my face...)

My thoughts wondered quite a bit as the soft mounds pressed onto my face, with how thin her nightwear was it might as well have not been there at all. So, I was basically getting a face full of Booba, and given how 'Gifted' Xenovia is in that area, well, you do the math...

As a man with good taste once said 'There's never a bad time to feel some titties', I'll let you guess who said it. And while very true, facts like that tend to only apply when awake, because during sleep time it becomes more frustrating than pleasurable...

Xenovia: ''Mmm... Y/N...''

I will admit I almost jumped when I heard my name be spoke, but it seems she was just sleep talking. A bit proud that I made it so deep into her heart that she'd think of me while sleeping, but its hardly a good time for happiness when I'm being constricted in a warm hug.

Y/N: ''(Well... There are probably worse fates out there than being smothered by titties. Just count your blessings Y/N...)''

Still in Xenovia's vice like grip, I began to relax and close my eyes. It was comfortable all things considered, and what kind of man would I be if I didn't accept such gracious opportunity, no? Oh, and Ddraig can you wake me up tomorrow?

Ddraig: ''(I'm not your personal alarm clock pal)''

Y/N: ''(Oh, so you DON'T want your bubble bath scrubbings for a whole month is that it?)''

Ddraig: ''(... I hate you)''

Y/N: ''(All couples say that at least once babe, just shows how much we love each other in truth)''

Ddraig: ''(I'd rather chug down Albion's ballsack than ever hear you say 'Babe' to me ever again)''

Y/N: ''(See? We went from disagreeing to agreement so quickly! Now that's true love right there)''

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