Chapter 34

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{3rd person POV}

Akeno: ''Ghh....''

With shaky moments the queen got up trying to gather her bearings, a pounding headache filling her mind as she did. Her vision was blurry and her body felt sore, her brain having long since kicked into alert mode.

What was going on? A question that at the moment plagued the queen's mind incessantly.

One moment they were on the gremory family train, the next she along with her friends were sucked into a magical portal and thrown in an unfamiliar location.

Akeno: ''Dam....''

Akeno grunted, a few scrapes, some tattered clothes and a pounding headache was the full extent of her injuries. The fall did not damage her in any major way and she was thankful for that, though the same can't be said for everyone else...

As sight returned fully to her, Akeno looked around trying to gauge the situation presented to her. She was afraid that she might have been separated from everyone else, fortunately for her she saw her friends lying on the ground all trying to get up.

One by one with shaky movements mirroring the queen's own they all got up. Akeno released a sigh of relief when she saw that they too were not hurt in any major way.

Koneko, Kiba, Gasper, Asia, Yubelluna, Ravel and the rest of Y/N's peerage... One by one they all got back on their feet. Yet she could not see their masters anywhere....

Akeno: ''Is everyone okay?''

Asia: ''I-I think...''

Kiba: ''Yeah... That fall hurt a bit though''

Ravel: ''Ughh... Speak for yourself knight, I think I broke something...''

Confusion spread throughout their minds, they may all be okay but none of them were sure if they were in danger or not. A hard look around revealed the place they landed on to be a large stone canyon, An unfamiliar location to all of them.

Thankfully the green skies above them showed they were still in the underworld, at the very least they did not look to be stranded in some deserted location. Seeing as how they simply fell from the train, they should not be too far away from one of the devil cities close by, with a bit of luck they could reach one of the cities and request for some help.

Still... while their situation did not look too bad, they were still under a lot of stress and confusion, the how and why of their situation eluding them entirely.

Gasper: ''W-What happened?...''

Koneko: ''I think we were forcefully ejected from the train...''

Yubelluna: ''Has anyone seen master?''

Akeno: ''No, Rias is missing as well...''

The two groups became incredibly worried, without their masters they were effectively sitting ducks for whoever launched them here. Still... Even in their scattered state they all steeled themselves and began working on a solution.

Yubelluna: ''Mihae, have you been able to get in touch with anyone?''

Mihae: ''I am sorry but... something is jamming our communication spells''

Yubelluna: ''Shit....''

A quiet state of alarm rushed through them, something about this situation aligned too much with something they experienced before.

The sudden ejection from the train...

Their masters missing...

Their communications blocked....

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