Chapter 14 Ultimatums

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"Don't know, but it's a cinch they told Zhang about us – most likely under duress." Payton deduced. "They'd have a lot to lose if they ratted out Brook on purpose."

"So what, you're saying they were threatened?" Michelle asked, fury burning in her eyes. "They sold Brook out right after asking a favor of him! They're nothing but trouble!"

"Paige, you got anything to say?" Leslie called her gently. Paige had been silent the whole time, listening to everyone with growing guilt inside her, knowing that what Michelle said might be true.

"If you hadn't gotten us involved with those Nightshades, none of this would have happened!" Michelle suddenly lost her temper as she stood up and rounded on Paige. "They're the reason Brook was in harm's way tonight and the reason we're now on the police's radar! I wish I never went along with your plan to get their help!" Michelle turned and stamped out of the house, hot tears of anger filling her eyes.

"Michelle!" Brook was up and after her in a second. Soriano sighed and watched them go.

"She's right you know," he said to Paige with a watchful look, "This all comes down to you, Paige. You didn't trust us, your crew, to handle things."

"Yeah, Paige, looks like you forgot our number one rule," Reece threw in cuttingly.

"Trust your crew," Jett said in a soft voice. Paige stood up, unable to take the condemning stares from everyone.

"I was trying to protect you all, okay?!" She exploded. "There are some things I wish you guys would trust me on! You guys don't know who you're dealing with! I didn't want us to be caught defenseless, that's the only reason I wanted to recruit the Nightshades! There's strength in numbers, you oughta know that by now!"

"Wait, Paige, what do you mean by 'who you're dealing with'?" Payton asked, catching her with a slow appraisal. Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized she gave herself away.

"I – nothing. I didn't know what I was saying – I didn't mean anything by it." she avoided Payton's eyes. He was alert at once; he always knew when she was lying.

"The point is, we need all the help we can get to face what's out there." Paige continued, meeting only Soriano's eyes.

"Paige, unless we rely on each other, there's no chance we can rely on anyone else," Leslie said gently.

"Yeah, we've done alright on our own so far," Jett added, hoping she'd understand. "We can handle whoever's out there."

"Unless you know something we don't?" Reece glanced at her with narrow eyes. Paige opened and shut her mouth, spluttering incoherent words.

"Will you people drop it?!" She snapped again and stomped off to her room. The lock gave a distinct click indicating that she had locked herself in. Payton looked at Soriano.

"What now, chief?" He asked. Soriano snorted under his breath.

"You kids actually want my opinion now? So far it looks like you've been doing better without it." He sounded slightly put out at the fact that he had been left out.

"We're your crew, chief," Payton replied with a staunch look in his eye. "And we still take orders."


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