Along the way, Jimin and Jungkook would sometimes have light conversations and Taehyung would listen and scoff every time. "Bye, Taehyung." Taehyung mumbled something and walked off.

Jimin rolled his eyes and drove off.

Taehyung rubbed it off when he texted Sana, he walked to the nearby wall and waited. He would occasionally look on his phone and text back to the girl then look around.

"Taehyung!" He was brought to a sudden hug. Taehyung smiled and hugged back once he realized who it was, "you made it." He whispered and scanned her outfit. "Of course i did!" She showed her best smile automatically making Taehyung smile too.

Taehyung stuck his arm out, "ready?" He asked. Sana nodded, "ready." She confirmed and grasped onto his arm. They walked into the museum, paying for their ticket and walked further into the work of arts. All throughout the viewing, they stayed together, keeping their arm and hands composed.

"The art we come for!" Taehyung walked a little faster which wasn't a problem for Sana since she was also excited. They sped over the bright pink work and awed. "Definitely worth it." Sana whispered, taking every hints of pinks in that came through. Taehyung hummed and did the same, capturing all the small details the artist put in.

"Let's a picture." Taehyung took his phone and turned to himself to the artwork motioning Sana into the frame, they smiled happily and snapped a couple of photos. Then, it was back to admiring the art again.

After that, they moved on to the last ones and exited the museum. "Let's go for breakfast or lunch." Sana happily accepted. With her hands on Taehyung's arm, they walked through the busy streets.

"That color will never not impress me." Sana started a new conversation. Taehyung agreed by nodding his head, "honestly same. The color is just too pretty to be hated on. It's sad people still like it's meant for one certain gender." He mumbled with a bitter voice expressing his feelings.

Sana clenched onto the selves of Taehyung's sweater, "I don't like that either." She lowered her voice, she snapped away from her upset mindset once she heard Taehyung's deepen laughter. "What?" She narrowed her eyebrows and pouted softly.

"That was adorable. Do that again." He elbowed her lightly, grinning when he seen Sana blush with an sadden expression. "What? I don't know what your talking about." Taehyung shook his head softly and snickered some more. "You're too much, too cute, Sana." He mumbled to himself as he looked away.

Sana heard glimpse of his words and slipped a smile on her face. She gently bumped into him and chuckled softly. The conversation dead down and the searching for a nearby restaurant was their new task.

They went to the one that they found most interesting and advertising. Once they were seated, they scanned through the menu. "Sir, my lover and I are celebrating our anniversary together. Is there anything you can do for us?" Taehyung looked over to Sana who looked quite confused, "I'm sorry, but you will have to pay for the special things on the menu." The waiter said and took their orders and left.

This is the difference between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples. One would get the free things because the waiters are too surprised or awkward and the other would be looked down upon and denied.

"You should have showed your ring." Taehyung joked and took a sip of his drink. "We just hangout." Sana mumbled.

And that's the moment where Taehyung realized that he couldn't be himself with Sana or anyone at this point. The only one he could was sleeping around with another boy. Well, if you put it in that way, Jimin would be the bad guy but he wasn't and he only slept on the same bed with someone else.

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