Chapter Eight

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"Big sis is not around. She already left for work." Luciana lied smoothly with a smile.

"Lucy who's there?" Bella said walking closer to the door in a sweatshirt and blue jeans trouser.

Luciana face palm herself because she knew she had been bursted. Clinton bowed slightly at the sight of Bella. Bella was dumbfounded  she had absolutely no idea who the man was so she cleared her throat before asking.

"Sorry do I know you?" She asked

"Madam Hampson has requested your presence." Clinton said motioning to the car. Bella knew Chris family members were going to send for her but she didn't know it'd be so soon.

She subconsciously put her hand inside her sweat shirt pocket to confirm if her phone was still in her pocket. She quickly slammed the door in the man's face and asked for Raquel's phone. Luckily they were using the same model and colour of phone.

She opened the door again. Lo and behold the man was still standing there. Clinton led her to the car as they drove off. Justin and Peter were on duty today and they knew exactly who Clinton was.

Justin immediately took out his phone immediately Bella got into the car and called Elliot.

"Mr Jones." He spoke hastily as soon as Elliot picked the call.

"What is the problem." Elliot asked.

"It seems like Madam Hampson had requested for Miss Walter's presence. She just left in Clinton's car." Kelvin said.

Elliot was silent for a few seconds before responding

"Okay. I'll inform boss immediately. Is there any other thing?" Elliot asked.

"Nothing for now. Looks like they are packing their stuffs, ready to move." Kelvin said.

"Okay let me know if there's any other update." Elliot said.

"Okay sir." Kelvin replied before hanging the phone.

At Hampson's residence.

Cassandra and the maids were the only ones at home when Bella arrived. Fred had already gone to the stadium to play golf.

Clinton drove into the luxurious building that looked like a castle painted with gold and white. Bella could not help but stare at the beautiful castle in front of her. She made her way to the front door and rang the bell before the door opened for her to come in. She made her way into the building and was welcomed by a woman in her middle age.

"Please have your sit. Madam would be with you shortly." The middle age woman said while Bella made her way to one of the chairs.

She took her time to look at the beautiful interior design of the house in the process of waiting for Cassandra.

Few minutes later she heard foot steps approaching from the stairs. She subconsciously stood up, fidgeting with her fingers. Surprisingly the person that walked down the stairs was not Cassandra but the head of the maids and Cassandra's personal assistant at home.

Bella looked at the woman and knew instantly that she wasn't Cassandra so she relaxed a little.

"Come with me." The woman said to Bella while she followed.

Bella could not help but look at the beautiful scenery of the house. The stairs were made of gold. There was a blue rug on the floor from top to bottom which gave the whole stairs a royal look.

The woman led Bella to a luxurious but simple living room. A woman was already in the living room when they walked in. She wore a white designer gown that stopped directly above her knees. She wore a nude heels that hugged her legs perfectly. She also held a wide nude purse that made her look elegant.

Her short blonde hair was perfectly styled. Her skin was flawless and as white as milk which made her look beautiful. Her violet eyes looked so radiant under the dim light. Her lips were pink and looked as delicious as strawberry.

Bella could not mistake the woman in front for her for another. She knew instantly that she was Chris mum. The resemblance with her son was so striking that anyone would have  known that they were related. Although Bella had seen a picture of Cassandra at Chris house but she couldn't help but admire the beauty of the woman standing in front of her.

Cassandra looked at Bella in disgust from head to toe and from toe back  up. This little gesture made Bella feel intimidated and uncomfortable.

She smile awkwardly at Cassandra before bowing her head slightly while Cassandra motioned for her to sit.

Cassandra also took her sit on one of the king sized chairs opposite Bella. She looked at Bella with piercing eyes  that could make anyone feel intimidated and wish for death.

Cassandra been the daughter of one of the affluent people in town, she was trained from a very tender age how to intimidate people with a cold gaze. Cassandra didn't really need the training because she was born with the talent of intimidating people with everything she has.

Cassandra tapped her hands continuously on her purse while throwing daggers at Bella with her look. She made it so obviously that she doesn't like her. Bella rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. This is something that she does whenever she's nervous.

"Why do you want to ruin my son?" Cassandra said finally speaking up after minutes of throwing daggers at Bella with her eyes.

Bella didn't seem to understand what she meant by her wanting to ruin Chris so she asked.

"What do you mean ma?" She asked. Cassandra found it rude that she had the gut to ask her questions.

"Is she trying to test my patience?" Cassandra thought to herself before scoffing with an eyeroll.

"Are you trying to act dumb or you really don't know what I mean by you trying to ruin my son?" Cassandra asked with a smirk but Bella didn't say a word.

"Don't tell me that you don't know that you're a distraction in Chris life. My son is already engaged and I won't ever accept you as my daughter in law, no matter how much you try." Cassandra said glaring at Bella while Bella kept fidgeting with her fingers .

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