Chapter Seventeen

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Few minutes later, Joanna was invited to the labour room while her husband left for the shopping mall to get some items for the baby.

Bella was instructed by the doctor to push while she obliged. Joanna held her hands tight as she pushed, sweat dripping down their faces.

"I can't do this aunt Anna it's too painful." Bella said in tears.

"You can do this Ella, you can do this. You're a strong woman." Joanna said still holding her hands tight.

"Take a very deep breath and push with all your strength in 3,2,1." The doctor said while Bella obliged.

"Ahhhhhh." Bella shouted with her eyes closed while pushing with all her might.

"Just a little more, push." The doctor said while Bella obliged.

"You did it" The doctor said as he pull out a very cute baby.

"It's a boy." The doctor said as the baby cried out loud before one of the nurses carried the baby to place him on Bella's chest. She held the little creature as tears streamed down her cheeks. She had no idea what she was feeling, she didn't know if she was supposed to be happy or sad. So many thoughts were running through her mind as she held her son just as the EKG started blaring

"Looks like a V-fib." The doctor said while one of the nurses swiftly carried the baby.

"There's no pulse." One of the nurses said

"Defibrillator." The doctor said while one of the nurses swiftly brought it out.

"She's loosing too much blood." One of the nurses said

"Give her blood. Fast." The doctor said while the nurse obliged.

"Her blood pressure keeps dropping." One of the nurses said while the doctor collected the

"Two hundred joules. The doctor said while one of the nurses added defibrillator gel.

"All clear." The doctor said while charged before the EKG started beeping again.

"We got her back." The doctor said with a smile to Joanna who looked terrified.

"Thank you." Joanna mouthed while the nurses did what needed to be down before moving Bella to the postnatal ward

Few hours later, the doctor's were done with the tests for the baby. One of the doctor's walked into Bella's room to check how she was doing.

"Your baby is very healthy, he weighs 6 pounds, 14 ounces." The doctor said causing Bella to smile a little. She had not held her baby since she held him in the labour room because she didn't know what to do. Vera walked into the room just as the doctor was about to step out. Joanna had called to inform her sister about the situation of things immediately she discovered Bella was in labour. Vera decided to take the next available flight to Toronto.

"Mum." Bella called out with tears in her eyes while Vera hastened her pace to hug her daughter. She held her for a while till she was calm before she decided to check on the baby. A pair of violet eyes was piercing into his grandma's eyes. Vera couldn't help but get emotional looking at the wonderful creation of God in front of her.

"He's so perfect." Vera muttered while lifting the baby from the crib to her arms before rocking the baby for a while. Bella couldn't help the tears that were streaming down her cheeks seeing how much her mum was looking at her son with love.

"Can I hold him?" Bella asked a midst tears while Vera replied with a nod.

Bella stretched out her hands while Vera gentle placed the baby in her arms.

"He's so flawless mum. Did I actually give birth to such a beauty?" Bella asked her mum with a teary eyes.

"I'm sorry mum." Bella said while Vera immediately reached for her daughter's hand to comfort her.

"It's okay my dear. The deed as been done and I'm so happy to be a grandma." Vera replied smiling with a teary eyes. It was so beautiful to watch.

"What should I do mum? How do I explain to him when he's old enough about the scandal. What if he gets bullied in school because of it? How do I tell Chris that we have a son together but I didn't even know I was pregnant. Is he even going to believe the child is his?" Bella asked with a very worried expression.

"When we get to that bridge we would cross it." Vera said patting her daughter's back.

"Yes Ella just relax and focus on yourself and the baby." Joanna said

"You don't have to go back to London if you don't want to. You can always stay here in Toronto. Nobody would find out." Jeffrey said

"Do you think I should tell Chris even though he's getting married." Bella asked.

"Don't you think he deserves that much? According to the news I heard about Chris and his daughter, he didn't know about her existence till the girl turned five. I'm sure he wouldn't want that for another kid of his." Jeffrey said.

"We will tell him about your kid but when the time is right." Vera said while Bella nodded in agreement.

At Hampson international, Chris was sited in his office when Thelma walked in with Anabella in her arms. Chris had focused solely on work since his breakup with Bella. he had left home to go see Bella on the day of the scandal but was stopped midway by his dad's PA, MR Phillips and his men he had told Chris not to go to Bella's house because his father had vowed to kill her if he visited. Chris went back home to plan how he was going to see his girlfriend without his dads knowledge since his house was heavily guarded but unfortunately Bella had already left the country the next morning before he could even plan.

Chris also had Elliot investigate the video that had Bella in it and he asked them to delete all the videos which they did. They were also able to get the blogger to confess that Thelma had sent them the video so they knew it was a set up. Chris also told Kelvin, Justin, Peter and Lin to follow Bella to Toronto so as to protect her. They were asked to report everything that happened to him which they've done so far.

He had decided to proceed with the wedding as speculated by his dad although he wasn't planning to get married to Thelma, he had plans of exposing her on their wedding day. Thelma had come to Hampson international because of their wedding planning. Chris had already gotten used to his daughter and he was always happy to have her around. Anabella on the other hand was not a fan of Thelma at all because of the way she always treated her. The past eight months was a living hell with Thelma. There was no day she hadn't wished that she wasn't adopted by Thelma but she couldn't even expose her because she felt grateful.

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