Chapter Six

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"A wedding brings two people and their families together. It refreshes the family ties and friendship that have gone stale and almost forgotten against the toll of time and distance. For this allow me to give a very special welcome to all who have traveled many miles to be here with us today, We would like to acknowledge the presence of families and friends who took their time out to be here with us. "

"We would also like to acknowledge the presence of Ret. Gen. Yusuf Mohammed  , a very good friend of the groom's parents who came all the way from UAE.Sir thank you so much for being here.

"Also with us here tonight and it is with great pleasure to have Rev Fr. Mathew. Our officiating priest for the wedding ceremony. Thank you Fr. Mathew for going out of your way to be with us."

"So I guess that’s about it. I hope I did not miss out anyone. If I did, please be so kind to remind me." Richard said.

The next item on the programme was the entrance of the bride and groom. Richard proceeded by saying,

"At this point I assume that everyone has settled down and we are all ready to welcome the newlyweds. May I request our lovely Maid of Honour, Ms. Bella Walter to please facilitate the welcoming party for our newlyweds." Richard said while Bella stood up immediately and went to the entrance.

Richard proceeded with the event by saying.

"Tonight calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time Joe and Vera as husband and wife. So without any further ado, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Joe  Anderson.

The DJ played a solemn music to welcome the newly weds while they made their way into the hall.

The rest of the event went smoothly. Surprisingly, Bella caught the banquet when her mum threw the banquet, everyone in the hall screamed in excitement as they all focused their attention on Chris. Chris and Bella on the other hand could not help but smile at each other.

It was almost 7pm by the time the event ended. Bella and her siblings helped their mum in carrying her bags for their honeymoon. Austin had given them a presidential suite in his hotel and Chris decided to give them a VIP treatment by giving them his helicopter.

The couple were beyond suprised to see an helicopter parked outside the building as they stepped out.  Most of the guest were suprised to see VVIP's at the wedding. Never in their life could they have imagined that she was getting married to the owner of the biggest and the most expensive law firm in Europe. Although most of them saw the news few days ago about fans throwing tantrum that Joe should call off his engagement but they never believed it.

Likewise they weren't expecting Austin at the event. Austin was a successful architect and he was quite popular as well.

"Vera is so lucky. She must have saved a life in her past life for her to be surrounded by this set of people." The co worker gossiped to another

"I'm telling you." Another coworker replied

"She's super lucky, bagging a top lawyer in the country, getting a billionaire son in law and a childhood friend who is a petroleum minister's wife." A co-worker said

"I don't know what else to call luck my dear."  Another co worker replied.

After moving the bags Bella and her siblings headed back in. Chris was sitting at one corner of the room talking to Raquel, Natalie and Luciana. He carried Jeremy on one of his lap.

Bella walked in just in time as Chris threw his head back in laughter. She couldn't help the smile that formed on her face.

"He looks so handsome." Bella thought to herself as the walked closer to them.

"Hello Mr sponsor." Bella said with a smile causing Chris and others to focus their attention on her. Chris lifted Jeremy off his leg before standing up.

"Hi miss sponsor." Chris replied with a smile revealing his cute dimples.

Raquel stood up from where she was and walked up to Bella.

"Hi official big sis." Raquel said with a cute smile causing Bella to smile too.

"Hello official baby sis." Bella replied with a bright smile before pulling her sister in for a hug. Alexia, Nadia and Liam walked in from the kitchen just in time.

"Babe we have to be on our way now. We have work to go to tomorrow." Alexia said with a sad smile while Bella walked closer to her friends.

"Thanks for coming." Bella said as she hugged Liam.

"Thanks for gracing this event bitches." Bella said with a smile as she hugged Alexia and Nadia. Natalie covered her brother's hear after hearing Bella say the B word.

Bella noticed what her cousin did and covered her mouth slightly in embarrassment.

"Oops sorry." She muttered while Alexia and the rest made their way to the door. Bella noticed Lillian was out of sight so she asked.

"Where's Lilly by the way?"

"She left already." Nadia replied.

"Oh okay." Bella replied.

Alexia got into the driver's seat while Liam got into the passenger's sit and Nadia into the back seat.

"Goodnight guys." Bella shouted before waving at her friends while they waved back before Alexia drove off. Bella turned back to go inside but she bumped into a hard wall which caused her to stumble backwards a bit but the wall who was Christian immediately held her.

"Sorry." Bella said as she took a glance at Chris chest. She noticed the stain of her nude lipstick on his blazer. She knew it was as a result of bumping into him. She swiftly removed the handkerchief in Chris pocket to wine the stain. This gesture caused Chris to also notice the stain.

"Let it be. I won't be wearing it again anyways." Chris said. Bella was a little confused by his statement but Chris knew what he meant. He was not the type that really likes bright colours. He had only worn the blazer to make his woman happy.

"What do you mean you're not going to wear it again?" Bella asked with a confused expression.

"That is a secret for another day." Chris replied with a wink.

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