Chapter 61 - Inside Patrick's room

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Tina opened the door and came in as Patrick was also coming to check whom knocked on his door. As he looked up he was shocked to see Tina.

"Who brought you here, were you the one knocking?" Patrick stammered as he asked her, he was surprised to see her and wandered what she might be looking for.

Tina was strucked to see his handsome bare chest, Patrick as added in size unlike the last time she had been with him, she lost words to reply him as she stared at his almost unclad body. Patrick noticed she was lost looking at him, he gulped and came closer.

Closing the door properly behind Tina he turned to her and asked her,
"What are looking for?"

"Em.. Em.. I wanted to tell you I want to be going home as it already getting late", Tina replied him couldn't take her eye off him as she was admiring him. She hadn't even stared at him properly before, on that fateful night he had taken advantage of her, She looked at patrick very well this time, and Patrick felt uncomfortable with her stare. He had to excuse himself.

"I just finished taking my bath let me put on my clothes first, but your mom said you can stay for today as it will be getting late to return back to your village, tomorrow we can go",

"Eh.. eh", she said "That, Okay", Tina stammered still looking at Patrick whom was tying only towel on his waist a short towel that didn't even cover him well..

"Okay so where am I going to sleep for tonight," Tina asked him,

Patrick looked at her, and their eyes met, he came closer to her, "you can sleep here if you want too, or you can use any of our guest room, but my mom wouldn't be happy with that if she sees you there".

Tina wasn't even listening to what Patrick was telling her, she was lost in thought, and Patrick touched her shoulder,
"Hello!, Where you listening to me at all or you are looking at something else?," Patrick turned to look around to know what she might be looking at.

Tina just smiled at him, and said ", So where do I sleep?", Biting on her lower lips, Patrick looked at her in disbelief, and said,
"So you where not listening to all I have been saying, tell me what are you looking at or thinking about?"

Tina smiled when she heard him, she turned her face away not wanting to looking at him, Patrick came closer to her back and hugged her from behind, his bare chest touching her Tina felt hot and wanted to pull away from him.

"You haven't answered me, tell me what are you thinking off, me right?", Patrick teased her,

"No, why should I .."

"Hmm, you are still lying"

"Lying about what?" Tina asked him as Patrick was still hugging her from behind, he slide his hands up and touched her breast, Tina moaned out. And felt embarrassed wanting to get away from him, but Patrick still hold her, he said softly,

"I know you like me Tina, but why are you pretending you don't, turn look at me and tell me the truth".

Patrick tried and turned tina to look at him, he lifted her face to face him.
"Tell me the truth, do you really hate me?",

Tina didn't want to answer him, she had thought about this before and did not know the answer, she do not want to accept the fact that she also love him and she had failed to see that from the start.

"Tell me Tina, do you love me or hate me?"

"Hmph.. hate is a strong word, I do not hate you for that fact of what you did to me me, but I don't love you", Tina said wanting to turn her face away from Patrick.

"I don't believe you", Patrick replied her.

"How?" Tina turned and looked at him, then Patrick let go off her and remove his towel as his body was already getting dried, he wanted to wear his boxers and short.

Patrick was annoyed she told him she did not love him yet she magnet to his touch and secretly yearning for him to touch her, while she was openly pretending not to love him for someone else.

Patrick forgot she was still in his room and remove his towel to wear his cloth, Tina was strucked again to see his nakedness, There was light in his room and everywhere was bright inside his room, she screamed at him startling him,
"Patrick! Couldn't you have at least wait for me to leave first, or ask me to leave".

Patrick got startled and turned to look at Tina, he was still unclad and he said,
"Haven't you seen it before?",

"I. I . I..", Tina stammered and turned back walking back to the door to leave.

Patrick didn't say anything or tried to stop her he wore his boxer and when the door refuse to open, Tina hesitated a little and later turned and asked him then Patrick has already worn his shorts, looking for his singlet top to wear.

She asked him, "Did you lock the door?",

"Yeah, it getting late, but that's how I usually lock it, it auto lock, jam locked" Patrick replied not wanting to look at her as he was still annoyed she didn't want to forgive him or love him back in return.

"So can you open it, I want to go see the guest room I will sleep in" Tina asked him.

She observe Patrick was behaving like he was somewhat angry, she asked him again,
"Can't you hear me, pls come open the door", Tina begged him.

"Why not spend the night here with me, you will feel so alone there and those girls that are working for my mother will not treat you well there, as they have already seen you came with me".

Tina hesitated for a little, then she replied,
"I don't mind how they treat me, let me go spend the night there".

Patrick sat down ignoring her as he switched on the TV, he knew his mother wouldn't come disturbing him as she has always wanted to see her grandchild, and she wouldn't want Tina to collect Godsent from her yet.

"Patrick!*, Tina called him again but he still sat there, watching the TV, and pressing his phone while smiling at the phone, she wandered whom he was chatting with that he was smiling too, and she remembered she had promised Chris to call him back in the evening and she didn't, she became said and wanted to call Chris immediately, because she was sure, him too will be trying her phone number, then Tina remembered she had left her bag in Patrick's car she frowned.

"Patrick, Patrick! "
Patrick turned and looked at her, *What?"
"I want to call my boyfriend, I promise to call him this evening on video call, but I forgot to" Tina replied him nonchalantly looking worried

Patrick was shocked to hear what she just said to him, "call her boyfriend on video call", he recap how she said it.

He stood up and walk closer to her, Tina shifted backward, then he asked her,
"Call him to do what for you, while am here for you?.."
pausing to look at Tina's face he came more closer to her as Tina was already at the wall and couldn't shift back again. Patrick rested one of his hands on the wall he asked her romantically,

"Tell me babe, what do you want to tell him, you can as well tell me, you don't have to look sad", Patrick lifted her face up to face him.

"Leave me alone you are not my boyfriend". Tina replied him and turned her face away wanting to get away from him, but Patrick held her hand, and pulled her closer to him and she hugged his chest, looking at him.

"Tina, what do you want me to do to make you accept me as your boyfriend?".

Tina looked at him, they were face closer to each other as Patrick bent forward to face her, she didn't say anything, So Patrick lean forward and kiss her on her lips giving her no breathing space.

Tina has always loved Patrick kisses, his lip taste, she knew she was weak whenever he touched her, she longed to feel his touch, she wanted him too, but she still love Chris and as already accepted Chris before realizing that she also like Patrick, she seemed confuse.

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