"H-hey... It's so good to hear your voice..."

Hearing her say that made Cana more happy than she wished it did. "I'm sorry... For everything."

"I'm sorry too..."

"No, you don't need to be. I'm a mess, you had every right to be mad. I planned on giving you space for a bit..."

"Really? I've been dying to speak to you since I went home after our argument. I don't know if you realize, but you drunk-texted me too."

"Oh shit, I forgot about that... I haven't really looked at my phone since then, sorry."

"It's okay, but... I'm sorry about your relapse. I know I'm responsible."

"The choice to try and drink my feelings away was mine. Don't blame yourself," Cana slumped over the side of the bed, her face fallen and dejected. She felt Mira begin to rub circles into her back, comforting her through what she knew had to be a difficult conversation. "Listen, Lucy, about what I said to you... My confession... I don't want to ask you to pretend it never happened, but... Fuck, I don't know..."

"It's cool, I don't want it to hinder our friendship. Yeah, I was uncomfortable at first, but now that I've processed everything, I'm not upset with you, really. I know you're just a no-boundary kind of girl, I shouldn't take every intimate moment between us as you having ulterior motives."

"But you were right, I should've been upfront about my feelings ages ago, you deserved to know."

"I understand you being nervous to tell me. I think this can just be a huge learning experience for us both. Seriously, I don't want to lose my best friend, not over something so petty."

"Well... Okay, I don't want to lose you either, but you shouldn't belittle your boundaries just because you want us to make up and get over this."



"Do you think you'd do something that you feel could push my boundaries again?"

"Well no, of course not. I want to work on being a more empathetic person. This really made me realize that I have a hard time considering things from other people's point of views."

"Well then let me forgive you. And I really am sorry, I can be so stubborn and I know I was harsh. After all we've been through I shouldn't have blown up like that. I don't know what came over me but it's something I should work on too."

"Heh, I think you're just newly pregnant and your emotions are, like, on hard mode for you right now."

"Oh yeah, that sounds about right."

Lucy started to laugh, making Cana's heart race in a way she didn't want it to. She was ashamed to be so enamored with her like this, for a moment it felt like she'd be able to get over it, but it's clear that it'll be easier said than done.

"Yeah, I'll just have to watch out for your pregnancy wrath for right now, no biggie."

"I'll try to keep it in check," Someone else's voice could be heard faintly in the background, and Lucy seemed to squeak upon hearing it.

Cana quickly glanced at the time on the phone, and it was still very early- certainly earlier than usual for the blonde to have guests. She figured it could've been Natsu, but even that seemed a bit odd...

"I'm sorry, I have to go now. We should talk again soon, maybe you should come over? Mira's been planning for Natsu and I to meet with her brother again, you could join us if you want."

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