Chapter Thirteen- More Twins

Start from the beginning

"Catchy, dramatic, one word," his girl companion seemed to agree. Suddenly, the two of them ran over to us at incredible speeds.

"Like Nightwing, and Robin" he said.

"And Nightingale, and Finch," the girl ran around me and Mara.

"And Beast Boy!" The boy stopped himself, "Except that's two words."

"Like Beast Girl!" The girl put her arm around Rachel, who just looked confused.

"These guys are just a blur...." I muttered under my breath.

"Blur! Ooh! I like it! Very crash!" The girl squealed, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. Her hair was about mid length, and tied into two tight ponytails that swung back and forth as she jumped.

"Hey! Blue Beetle's two words! And so's Brass Beetle!" The guy exclaimed. Before we could ask why they were looking for our teammate, the two sped for the exit, "Nevermind that, "Impulse" and "Blur" can find out for themselves!" He declared. Striking another couple of weird poses, the twin speedsters disappeared with the wind. It all happened so fast, I almost didn't know how to react.

"Take them down!" Nightwing commanded the younger team members. Capes flying behind them, Finch and Robin ran down the hall after the Beast Twins, who had both turned into green cheetahs, hot on the tail of "Impulse" and "Blur".

"We're crash? What does that mean?" I asked, remembering what they had both said, "And who is Brass Beetle? A friend of Blue's?"

"I dunno. Where do you think they got their speed?" Nightwing asked me.

I shrugged, and flinched, hearing the sounds of a scuffle from the other parts of the cave. I forced myself to relax. I had trained Robin, Finch, Beast Boy, and Beast Girl myself. They'd be totally fine.

I checked the sensors, and noticed that our two new speedsters were heading back our way.

"They're circling around," I told Nightwing, and in an second, with that instant telepathic communication all twins somehow share, we both knew what to do.

These kids were as fast as Wally, so we'd have to be even faster. Fortunately, Batman had prepared us for such an occasion.

I grabbed a handful of marbles from my pouch and rolled them down the hall, hoping to trip the twins. But they were so fast they both ran up the curved wall and ceiling, cleverly avoiding the marbles.

They grinned at me proudly, I just smirked and shook my head.

"Can't catch us that easi-" Before they could finish, I charged at the girl and Nightwing took the boy. We both hit them in the gut at the same time, knocking them to the ground. Once they were both handcuffed, Nightwing stood up.

"Now that was crash," He informed the twins.

"Well maybe for you," The girl snapped.

"As for us, we're totally feeling the mode," The boy lamented. I raised my eyebrows at his strange choice of words again.

Our four proteges came trudging back, a little worn out. Tim looked irritated, Gar and Rach were both sopping wet, and Mara had cat claw marks on her arm.

"They made me trip over Justice!" She accused. Tim saw to her wounds while I ran as fast as I could to check on my faithful ginger pussycat. He was alright, aside from a slightly mangled tail, but none of his kittens or Leafpaw were injured, thankfully. I walked back to the mission room with Justice nestled snug in my arms just in time to hear our visitors' backstory.

"My name is Bart Allen, and this is my sister, Bridget!" The one who called himself Impulse declared.

"Allen...Allen..." Mara muttered to herself, trying to figure out where she'd heard the name before.

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