Chapter 43

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As soon as we parked our motorcycles, we ran into the house before putting Titty's backpack down and letting her out. As soon as I stood up from that, Ava launched herself at me, legs wrapping around my waist and her lips kissing me desperately. I responded with equal need, as our lips and tongues hungrily attacked one another as though we could somehow devour each other with our kisses.

"Bed! Now!" Ava demanded while my mouth made its way down to her throat, lavishing kisses all over it.

I grunted in acknowledgement since I couldn't talk as my mouth was too busy kissing and licking her neck and throat. I started walking towards our bedroom, glad that there were no stairs involved. I have no idea how she did it, but she somehow yanked my tank top and her tee shirt off while I carried her, leaving a little trail of clothes towards the California king sized bed that would soon be the epicenter of a lot of quivering flesh.

I almost tripped once, but only because Ava is quite flexible, and somehow got a hand down to the button of my jean shorts, and undid it, causing them to slip down around my ankles. I had a little stumble, but then recovered long enough to almost run the rest of the way, and jumped into the bed, pinning my new fiancé to the mattress with kisses.

"Wait!" Ava pushed me up a little and made me release the hold my lips had on her earlobe.

"Are you okay?" I asked, making sure I hadn't hurt her when we tumbled to the bed.

"I know it's a little anticlimactic, but I want to give you your ring too."

I felt my heart swell with that, and I nodded happily. "Okay, go get it!" I rolled off her to let her get up.

She quickly walked into the kitchen, and I heard her rummaging around before she returned holding a similar box to the one that I'd opened earlier. Kneeling next to the bed, she took a deep breath. "Lylah, I've been waiting for this day a long time. I am truly in love with you, so much so that I don't think I could ever list all the wonderful things that draw me to you. But that is exactly what you do to me. You pull me in and make me think that everything is going to be both safe and exciting at the same time. I thought I was going to lose you to someone else, and then I thought I was going to lose you to a damned shark. But each time you came back to me and looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and made me realize that you would always come back to me. You're someone I could never replace in my life, and I hope that you would like to remain a part of it forever. So, Lylah Hunter, would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?" She opened the box to display a stunning black diamond set in a white gold band that had an engraved lotus on each side of it, each with a smaller stone in the middle.

I was stunned when I saw it, it was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I'd ever seen. "You know I'll be your wife, Ava. There is nothing I'd rather be." I held out my hand, which was trembling a little, and she slid the ring on. "How the hell did you get this? It's so gorgeous!" I brought it up to my face, looking at the intricate stems to the flowers that comprised the band.

"I might have gone to a custom jeweler about six months ago and had this made. I knew I wanted to marry you ages ago, but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page," she admitted.

She was incredible. I couldn't be more thankful that she'd fallen for me somehow. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you work at something; you just need a little luck to make things turn out right. I had worked for years with Trish to make a perfect relationship, only to make it fail spectacularly. But I got lucky. Somehow, of all the people on the planet, Ava Santos decided that this dinged up stunt woman was what she wanted and let me into her heart. I was never going to leave it.

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