Chapter 30

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"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Sean growled at Ava. He'd lit into her almost as soon as we'd arrived on set over the TMZ interview. We were surprised that it hadn't already been aired, but I guess they wanted to edit it, and then released it after the filming had wrapped the following day. Now he seemed to think that he deserved to know that she had a girlfriend for some reason.

"Sean, I had no reason to tell you anything. You asked, I said no. That was all you needed to understand," Ave tried to explain the entitled dimwit.

"But you're gay!" he blurted.

Ava looked at me, and I just shrugged. I had no idea where he was going with this. "I'm a lot of things Sean, and you don't need to know the vast majority of those things. We're coworkers, and just shooting a movie together. Nothing more. I don't know the first thing about you outside of this movie, and I don't need to know. You can know what I want you to know about me, and if you don't need to know I won't tell you."

It reminded me of the movie premiere all those months ago, when I was asked about Ava being hard to work with on the set. Was she just getting asked out a lot and the guys that were turned down bad mouthed her? It wouldn't shock me at all if Sean said something now if he was asked. Asshole. Maybe I'd have Miki interview him armed with the information that he'd tried to ask her out. That might go over well. Actually, I might recommend that, just to get the word out that asshole co stars were spreading the rumor about her being hard to work with because of their fragile egos. After thinking about it, I realized that probably happened to a lot of actresses, and other women in different professions too!

"Sean, it doesn't matter what her sexuality is. It doesn't matter if she is a vegetarian or what her religion is or what kind of car she drives. Just film the movie, and move on with your life," I told him. "Her life is hers to live, and she is happy doing so."

"But... I mean..." Sean seemed to be struggling to form the words to create the next masterful sentence that would astound us all. "But she kissed a guy in her last movie!"

Holy shit, he was as dumb as a post. It was a good thing that he was straight, because if he ever had to come out of the closet, he'd never be able to find the fucking doorknob.

"Sean, I'm an actress! I can kiss someone as part of the movie, and it means nothing! Hell, in this movie, I'm supposed to shoot you later, do you think I need to be a murderer?" Ava was getting frustrated, and I couldn't blame her. Thankfully, the director gathered everyone up for the shoot, and they got back to work. Once more I got to see my amazing girlfriend show everyone why she was so damned good at her job.

               For all of Sean's issues to start the day, the shots went pretty well. Ava did some more singing, while Sean looked suitably managerial sitting on the sides of the stage. I was pretty sure they'd already filmed all of the murder scenes of the other singers that Sean was evidently murdering to make Ava a success. Next week would be the chase scene and fight scene that I'd be filming for Ava, and I was looking forward to that, since I hadn't contributed much to the movie yet.

               As the day went on, my nerves started to get the best of me. Even the text from Miki saying that everything was ready in our hotel room did little to sooth my jitters. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve, and I just wanted to open my presents. Well, I mean, not exactly a present, but you know what I mean. I wanted to treat Ava the way she deserved, and I couldn't wait to see the smile on her face. I hope she liked my plan!

               When the filming finally wrapped again, it was about 6pm, and time for the evening to start. I saw Sean approaching, his face set as though he'd found new things to complain about. "Sean, we're going to go enjoy our evening. Unless you're here to apologize for the way you acted earlier, don't say a thing," I told him, cutting him off before he started.

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