Chapter 26

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When I was eight, my father woke me up by throwing beer bottles at my door until my mom made him stop. That was by far the worst way I'd ever woken up. Conversely, on my motorbike trip to California after my aunt kicked me out, I was sleeping in some woods off of Interstate 10 near Lake Charles, Louisiana and was awoken the following morning by a gorgeous hawk perched overhead screeching at me. Yeah, it was a weird alarm clock, but the bird was so damned majestic that I just lay there and stared at it for a few minutes before I finally got up and back on the road. That was one of the best ways I'd ever woken up, or at least the coolest.

The morning after Ava and I finally reunited, I was woken up in a way that was squarely between the two.

First, a loud pounding on the door that obviously ignored the Do Not Disturb sign on it roused me from my sleep was not a great way to start. But when I opened my eyes, I was met with the vision of Ava's clean shaven core only inches away from me as we both lay on our sides, arms draped over each other's hips. I had a recollection of us being in a 69 for the last of our many rounds and slowly tipping over off of her to land on my non-injured side once we'd worn ourselves out. Normally I would have loved to have had her on top in a 69, but with my sensitive nipples and hurt ribs, it was better to have me on top. Even with the pounding on the door, the view was worth it.

Leaning forward, I pressed a gentle kiss just above her mound, and then painfully rolled out of bed. I threw a sheet over my sleeping girlfriend, and then hobbled to the bathroom to grab the robe that I remembered seeing on the back of the door. Once I was suitably covered, I made my way to the door, where a second round of knocking had just stopped, and pulled open the door to see a smiling Miki and Liv, who was holding a paper bag.

"Damn girl! You need to take a shower!" Miki snickered, pushing me into the room. Liv was giggling at my appearance as well, and I was sure my hair was trashed from the previous night's activities. "This room smells like pussy, where is Titty?"

The little queen herself trotted over, pausing only to stretch before allowing Miki to pick her up. "See, she's fine!" I complained. "Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Lylah, it's 2pm. It isn't early."

"And you have so much of Ava's dried juices on your face that I had to make sure you didn't eat the wrong pussy. Was she good? How did she taste? Fuck, I could bottle the scent in this room and use it as an air freshener!" Miki babbled.

"Diz, calm down. She just woke up, don't infect her with your crazy too early," Liv chided, pulling Miki into her.

"Diz?" Ava's voice asked as she poked her head out of the covers.

"Yeah, short for Disney. I didn't think I could call her that on her videos, so it works," Liv explained.

I looked between them in confusion, while they were just giving Titty some love. "I still don't get it."

Liv looked at us and then smiled. "Oh, sorry! When I fuck her, she squeaks like a mouse. So, Miki Mouse. So, Disney, and therefore Diz."

Damn, even if you combined them, you wouldn't get a complete filter on their mouths. That explained the squeaking from the tattoo parlor office though! I mean, I knew that they were having sex, but now I understood more! "Good to know."

"Here." Liv handed me the paper bag. "Two breakfast sandwiches and hash browns. You two eat and then shower. Then text us when you're all cleaned up and you can come to our room to do the piercings. I can't do them here or Diz will be horny for the rest of the day."

"Too late!" Miki said as she wandered around the room, breathing deep. "I might be imagining our impending orgy!"

Liv chuckled at Miki's antics. "Don't worry about her. She's all talk, but she'd be like a dog with a car if it caught what it chased. She'd have no idea what to do. If you want to freak her out, just tell her yes and she'll clam up for a week."

As much as I'd like to test that theory, I didn't want to risk Miki just jumping on us! "Well let us get clean and we'll come on down. Thanks for the breakfast, and we'll give you a proper greeting when we're cleaned up."

"Seriously, thanks! And it is great to see you," agreed Ava.

"Diz! Come on! You have time for at least two orgasms before they get there if we hurry!" Liv called out to Miki.

Miki squealed happily, and then raced over to her. "I'm ready!"

"We'll see you soon," I promised.

Once they were gone, Ava couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my god they're so fucking adorable! I almost want to say yes to Miki just to see the expression on her face!"

"I know. But knowing our luck, she'd be the one dog that knew how to drive, and we'd be the ones in trouble!" I exclaimed. I mean, I loved Liv and Miki to death as awesome friends, but I didn't think I needed an orgy! I needed to get my relationship with Ava strong enough to overcome anything before I even thought about that!

"Don't sweat it. We don't need to worry about any of that right now. We're together, and that is all I care about right now." Ava kissed me gently. "Damn, your face is covered in... oh my god!"

"Yeah, yours is too. I think we really need that shower!"

"I can't believe that they saw us looking like this!" Ava panicked, racing to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She let out a quick shriek and then turned on the shower full blast. "Get your cute ass in here so we can do your aftercare!"

"Are you sure? You do remember last night, right?" After our burgers we retreated to the jacuzzi tub and gave Queen Nefertiti her weekly bath, to her immense delight. She just loved those bubbles! Afterward, I showed Ava how to do the aftercare, doing it to her nipples first so she could see how gentle I was, and then she returned the favor. There is a chance, and I know this will shock you, that us touching each other like that led to making love in the tub. I know, I was surprised too. So, then we moved back to the bed. And then I had Ava kneel on the leather chair while I licked her from behind, then I sat on her face in bed, and we finally wound up in that lovely 69 that finally sapped the last of the energy from us.

"How could I forget?" She gently washed my breasts, careful not to tug or hurt me. "I can't believe I get to do this for the next nine months, and it is a medical necessity!"

"I'll be doing the same for you too! I bet yours will come out beautiful, you have the perfect nipples for them!"

She held up her breast, comparing her nipples to mine. "I guess they're okay. But I love yours, they're perfectly sized. Not too big, not too small. I can't wait to suckle them!"

"Probably a good thing that we both love the nipples of the other, huh?" I pointed out.

"Damn right. Nipple envy is an insidious curse that brings you down from the inside!" she chortled while rinsing the shampoo out of her hair.

I was falling for her, hard.


How does a simple nipple joke make me realize that? She had been nothing but magical to me since Trish left, and I knew that I wanted her to be the one. I asked her to be my damned girlfriend yesterday, and I wish I had months ago. I don't know that I would have appreciated all of her wonderful qualities as much though. Taking care of me when I was a mess, taking care of Titty with me, fun taco dates, movie nights where we ended up snuggled up under blankets. She was the whole package. Would a Hollywood actress settle for a stunt double?

"Hey, are you okay?" Ave asked while draping her arms over my shoulders. "You kind of zoned out there for a minute."

I just stared at her in wonder, watching the spray of the water bounce off her skin, and the droplets coursing over her skin and forming little rivers through the valley of her breasts. She was a vision that I couldn't help but admire, and I never wanted to stop. "Ava. I'm really falling for you. Hard. I'm kind of scared, but at the same time I'm so fucking happy."

She carefully pulled me closer, kissing the tip of my nose. "I guess it's a good thing that we're in the same boat then, huh? That was why I had to leave. I had already fallen, and I was terrified nobody would be there to catch me. But you did. You caught me, even if I had to fall a little further to find you. And I'm going to catch you too, okay?"

A kiss was the only appropriate answer to that.

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