Chapter 34

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I was an official canoodler.

I'm not sure where that word came from, but it annoys me. I mean, other than in silly tabloids, do you ever use that word? Can you just go up to a person you like and say 'hey, wanna go canoodle?' Of course not, you'd make them laugh! But damn, the newspapers and gossip shows love that word. In the months after the interview that Ava and I had with Miki, it seemed like there were more paparazzi than ever hanging around looking for pictures of us. Even if we took a lunch break to go get a burger and sat next to each other because Ava was exhausted from the shoot, we were somehow canoodling. I mean, at night I canoodled the fuck out of her, don't get me wrong, but they were really taking liberties with the definition.

Sean had been behaving since the interview too. Not only did the director talk to him, but his agent as well. Once the interview had aired, several actresses that were scheduled to work with him in future films had already reached out expressing their concerns over his actions and what they might have to put up with. If the director is like a principal, then his manager was like his dad, and he got grounded. It was refreshing, and we had to give Miki a big hug.

Luckily, because it was a movie that was low on action shots and special effects, it wasn't a long shoot. Ava was doing her own singing, and I had already done the stunt pieces that led to us pushing Sean off a building once the chase scene was over. Well, his stunt double anyway. Sean wasn't close to his double, Barry, like Ava and I were, but Barry was a pro and we got the take done with no issue. Once that was over, we did a few reshoots to make sure everything was ready to get into editing, and then we were done. There was a nice little post wrap celebration, and then everyone went their separate ways.

Except Ava and I. We still had another few days at the hotel, because the tutor wanted me to take the GED test, and I was almost ready. I was also petrified, because Ava had been helping me in the evenings, giving me rather delightful rewards if I got answers right, and I didn't want to let her down! The reward for passing was something I didn't want to pass up!

The test itself was five hours of torture. It was divided into four different sections, each an hour long, and my ass was numb after the first one. I'd done some practice tests, but never all four subjects in one sitting, and by the end I was ready to cry, but still strangely confident in what I'd done. When I got that call that night that I'd passed the test, I was overcome with so many emotions. Relief that it was done, thanks for the tutor that had helped me, and an overwhelming amount of love for the woman that had made it possible.

Ava had made my life so much better since I'd met her. Not just in coping with the loss of Trish, but also just in the little things that we did together to bring us closer together. It had started with our weekly baths for Queen Nefertiti that were always fun. Titty was a charmer, and though she's grown bigger while we had been in Nashville, she was still my little kitty and would always be so. Doing the aftercare on one another's nipples was something I'd never get tired of. It had been a few months now since the piercings, and they were not as tender as before, but we still did our aftercare. It was an incredibly intimate and erotic experience that we did morning and evening to make sure that when our time was up, we'd be ready to let our nipples run free! Or, you know, be played with.

Our off days had us exploring the city. Some days we had Titty with us while at Nashville's Centennial Park and then eating lunch with us at the farmer's market. Other days had us out at a bar while checking out some newer musical artists that were hoping to be made famous here. But it was always fun, and it was always new. I liked it, and I loved her.

Once the test was completed, we packed all our stuff up and headed back to Los Angeles. We hadn't discussed moving in since the day in the truck, and I was nervous about bringing it up. I knew I didn't have to be, and I was chiding myself about being jittery with a woman who had seen me at my absolute worst and still loved me.

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