Chapter 11

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The new video was like a small nuclear weapon detonating in my online accounts, as well as those of Ava and Liv's tattoo parlor. While Ava didn't have any issues getting home, by the time we woke up in the morning, things had gone crazy. We each had a bunch of messages from TMZ and other media outlets wanting us to comment about our supposed relationship. Gossip rags had already made up several accounts of us being out and about while in a relationship.

Believe me, I'd remember if I was in a relationship with Ava!

Liv had already texted as well, thanking us both profusely because her online form for tattoo requests had already blown up and she had a bunch of people emailing her with deposits to discuss art that they wanted inked as well. I was happy about that, as she had done an amazing job on mine and deserved the recognition. My only worry now was that I would have to stand in line to get another one! I didn't have any ideas yet for more, but I was sure I would someday.

When my phone rang, I had to check my caller ID since I'd been hit by an awful lot of unknown numbers as well as some I recognized as reporters. Luckily, it was one I knew, and I wasn't shocked to see that it was Ava. I'd planned on calling her myself but didn't want to wake her up. I quickly hit the green button to answer the call, then sank back onto my pillow to keep snuggling with my little queen.

"Hey Ava!"

"Hey honey, when is our honeymoon, you sexy beast?" she purred into my ear.

"Did I miss something?" I was so confused.

"Oh yeah, the latest internet rumor was that we went to the tattoo parlor for matching finger ring tattoos because we were secretly married in Vegas," she explained. "Sorry, I was just teasing."

I could only nod, not that she could see me through the phone. "That isn't shocking at all. I had expected that kind of rumor once I saw everything else that was posted. Really, I was hoping for a popular video, but this one went a lot crazier than expected. We didn't even do anything dangerous!"

"No, but I think the people are looking more at the perceived relationship than the actual activities," Ava pointed out. "We could have been knitting beanies and they still would have freaked out about it."

"True." It was a sobering thought. The media cared more for gossip and dirt than the actual content. But I guess that is what made the clicks happen, right? "You know that is going to make the movie set a mess in a few weeks. Have any of the producers talked to you about that? I don't want to be a distraction and jeopardize your career."

She was silent for a moment, then sighed heavily. "Yeah, I have a few messages about it. I'm supposed to call them back this afternoon. I'm not sure what they'll say yet."

I had a sudden feeling that she was trying very hard not to hurt my feelings. Like she knew she had to do something and didn't want to tell me. "Hey Ava, feel like meeting me at the taco truck in about an hour for lunch? We can figure out a plan of attack there."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. I didn't think it would blow up like this either. I didn't know so many people would watch," she admitted.

"Well, you're one of Hollywood's most eligible young ladies, so it would be a big deal if people thought we were together. I mean, you're gorgeous, just had a big movie premiere, probably have all the guys after you, it was big news," I pointed out.

"And yet all I want is you."

"According to the internet you already have me!"

"When is that award show?" Ava asked after some hesitation.

"Next month, about 3 weeks after the new movie starts shooting."

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