"But you have an actress girlfriend, and you wouldn't want her to cry, right?"

"You'll be in the truck waiting for me. I trust you." I was scared, but this should work. The plan was that the three girls, with Ava driving, Miki filming and Liv in the back on the mattress would drive down the road in the truck. I would jump off the bridge, and glide down to a perfect landing in the moving truck bed, where Liv would make sure I didn't bounce right out. I had a small emergency chute in case something went wrong, but it wouldn't do much if I had to deploy it in case I missed the truck. I'd still hit the ground pretty damned hard.

"If you fuck this up, no kisses for a week, and no sex for a month!" she admonished me. "I'm not kidding either. I know you love this shit, but I can't lose you now." I could see tears in her eyes, and knew she meant it. We were finally together, finally admitting our love, and I'm going to be jumping off a bridge.

"What do I get if I do it perfectly?" I wondered with a smirk.

She thought about it for a moment. "You can use all the cuffs and the blindfold and do whatever you want to me."

Fuck. "I hope you're ready for that then, because there is no way I'm not winning that prize!"

"I think I win a little with that too," she admitted with a grin. "Now let's get this done so we can go get food!"

"Kick ass Lylah!" Miki called out of the truck as they were speeding off.

I had about a ten minute wait before I saw the truck driving down on Highway 96, the road that went under the bridge, and I waved at them to make sure they knew I saw them. We waited a bit till they had no traffic headed in their direction, and then they took off. The hard part was matching their speed on the road, since I figured I'd probably be going a good bit quicker. Liv being in the back might come in very handy! There was also the possibility of traffic coming the other way too, since we couldn't exactly close the road on a silly stunt. But it would look better on the camera!

As the truck passed below the bridge, I got a running jump, and hurled myself over the railing. I spread my limbs out and quickly started gliding downward, my cameras capturing everything I saw. The truck was right where it was supposed to be, and while I did see two cars going past it in the other direction, they probably never saw the speck in the air above them. I tried to cut in a few banks to slow down a bit as I was coming up on them pretty quick, and thankfully it worked.

When I finally settled down and came in behind the truck, they were moving pretty fast to make sure I could match the speed, and then drop right in. This would be the wrong time for a cop to see them driving so fast! I saw my target, a big x we'd taped onto the mattress, and then back winged right down onto it. Liv grabbed my leg, and I dropped to my knees with a scream of triumph. That was pretty damned cool! I knocked on the back window, and Ava pulled over and pretty much ran out of the truck to jump into the bed and hug me. Miki did the same from the other end, and within seconds it looked like Miki got her wish, a lesbian orgy in the back of the pickup truck.

"That was fucking awesome!" Miki screamed. "This video will be so cool!"

"Well, we get to send all the footage to Madison, and see what the client says. But I think I'm done with the flight suit for a while, it makes me do more crazy things than normal!" I admitted.

"True, but you did win the reward," Ava pointed out.

"Wait, do we get a reward? Miki asked? "I mean, we helped right?"

"I know I did!" Liv added.

Ava snickered in my ear. "Go ahead, give them a little peck. Make Miki's day."

"Seriously?" I was shocked she even suggested it.

"A quick one. They've been great, and I know they're no threat. They're too in love."

I pulled Miki and Live over and did exactly that. I leaned in and gave them each a quick peck on the lips. Liv just laughed, as though she knew it was a joke, but Miki just lay back on the mattress with a happy smile.

"Well fuck! What do we have to do to get some tongue action?" she cried out.

"Sorry, girlfriends only!" I claimed as Ava nodded along.

"Fine. Liv, gimme that tongue baby!" Miki pulled Liv over to her and there was quickly a lot of smooching and moaning from that side of the truck.

"Come on, let's get food and then you can have the tongue all night," I suggested.

"We have to return the truck too!" Liv reminded us.

"Yeah, four lesbians driving a U-Haul is too much. We have to return it before we turn all of Tennessee gay," Miki said seriously, though with a slight grin.

"Too stereotypical?" Ava wondered.

"Yep!" Miki climbed into the back seat with Liv. "Next thing you know we'll all be moving in together!"

"I'm down for that if you are," Liv told her.

"What?" Miki's jaw dropped in astonishment.

"What? Move in with me. You know I love you, so what is the hold up? Come live with me and let me love you every night," Liv replied.

"Holy shit! Yeah! You're so gonna get lucky tonight!" Miki screeched in joy. 

I reached across the truck to grab Ava's hand. "Think we'll be like that some day?"

"We could be that way when we're done shooting this movie if you like," she replied with a glance at me out of the corner of her eye.

"You'd really want me and Titty to come live with you?" Hell, I haven't even seen her house! Damn! This is amazing!

"Lylah, if we went home right now, wouldn't we be spending every night together at one of our places or the other?" she asked.

I thought about not having her to sleep with me, and I didn't like that thought at all. Even my nightmares had gone down to only once a week or so, and Trish and Ava weren't in them anymore. "True, we would. Do I get to see your house first?"

"Of course. But I've seen yours, and you'll like mine better," she predicted.

"Then I guess you're stuck with me!" I agreed. I was moving in with my girlfriend!

"I like the sound of that."

"Damn, we are seriously lesbians," Miki noted. "Let's go buy some flannel!"

A Little Dinged Up (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें