A Wild Bitch Appeared!

Começar do início

What kind of seduction technique is that supposed to be?

His wriggling tentacles were shown. "Your undefined joints." She rested her head on his chest, while the class behind her looked shocked. "Why, you're positively captivating."

"How embarrassing!" Koro-sensei chuckled.

We all stared in shock.

"So she either has the weirdest fetish I've ever seen or she's playing him," Sugino muttered and I chuckled.

Either way, I was curious to see how this would play out.


"Hey, pass! Kill!"Karma called out as Okajima kicked a ball toward their teacher.

"Are you not gonna join their game?" Karasuma asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm feeling a little under the weather today," I admitted, it wasn't a lie at all. I genuinely wasn't feeling well, but I would be lying if that was my only reason.

"Besides, I couldn't resist the chance to speak with a real professional killer," I smirked and glanced at said killed. "Ain't that, right? Irina-sensei,"

"You sure figured that out fast," Karasuma replied, taking a glance at me.

"It's not rocket science, like hell would you guys call in a regular teacher," I explained with a casual shrug. "So what's your game Irina-sensei? Seduction right?"

"You really know your stuff," she replied and I sighed.

"Alas, a genius like me wouldn't be fooled for long," I joked but got ignored.

"I had all kinds of close-range methods prepared," she said frigidly, as Karasuma stood next to her. "I just never thought my seduction tactics would work." She took out a cigarette while Karasuma eyed her distrustfully.

She lit up the cigarette.

"But you can't just hire an assassin to work at a school," he said as she walked away. "We'll have you do some teaching to keep up appearances."

She stopped and smirked. "I'm a Pro." She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "My job will be done before I need to resort to teaching." Then she walked outside.

Outside a football was kicked high in the air.


Karma kicked the ball to Koro-sensei. "Hup! Kill!" He shot at the teacher as well.

Koro-sensei now had two balls in hand with one about to hit his head. "Hup! Pa-"

"Koro-sensei!" Irina-sensei called.

"Hm?" The ball bounced off his head as he and the class stopped to look over at her.

I also made my way outside after her and watched in mild amusement. She had no idea what kind of monster she was dealing with.

Irina-sensei waved as she ran down the steps. "Koro-sensei!"

"Karasuma-sensei tells me you're oh so very fast!" she chimed, stopping in front of him. "Is that true?"

Koro-sensei dropped the footballs and looked sheepish. "Well, not that fast..."

"Could you do me a favor? I'd love to try some real Vietnamese coffee." He kept ogling her breasts. "Won't you bring me some while I'm teaching English?"

His face was pink again. "Why of course. I happen to know a great café in Vietnam." He flew off into the air, sparkling a little, leaving a dust cloud in his wake.

Slacker (Assassination Classroom) (Old Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora