I should have known this, because I think there were a couple of musical episodes when she was on her old show, but it never dawned on me that she could belt out some country music and that it would sound like she should be up for some Country Music Awards! I was so damned amazed by her! I did giggle a little when she was crooning a song about how her boyfriend left her though. I mean, if he'd seen what she was doing to me last night, I guess I couldn't blame him!

My attention was diverted by my phone, on silent of course, and I glanced at it to see Madison's number on it. Since she was part of my secret plan and helping me, I quickly stepped outside and took the call.

"Hey Madison, how is the mission going?"

"All done. I have the two dresses already," she assured me. "But I have to tell you one other thing. That insane Grand Canyon video got you a call from Southwest Airlines. They wanted to have you do something similar, but without the crash landing, to use in one of their commercials. If I include your flight suit in the shipment, can you handle that"

"Well, my ribs are still a mess after the last one, so Ava would probably kill me," I replied.

"They're offering $250,000." Fuck! That was worth more than my other two sponsors combined!

"Yeah, then I'm on it!" Hopefully Ava forgave me for my stupidity. "When do they need it?"

"By next Monday if you can do it," she replied. "You don't need to edit it, just send them the footage and you're all set."

"Am I allowed to post it on my channel too?" I wondered. It would be nice to post as well as give it to them for the commercial.

"Huh. I didn't ask, but I'll get that information to you before it is due."

"Perfect! If you can include the flight suit and the parachute, then I should be okay to do it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet, but I'll figure something out and have it planned before the next day off."

"I'll have everything in your room tomorrow by lunch time then!" she stated. "if it helps, I think the original plan will help her accept the flight suit gig. She knows it's in your blood, she'll just be nervous."

"Thanks Madison, that helps. I just don't want her to kill me!"

As soon as the call was over, I started looking online for cool Nashville landmarks that would make good jump spots. There wasn't a lot to look at, since most of them were smaller buildings. Nothing looked fun. I was getting frustrated when I remembered the bridge we'd seen when we went to Loveless Café. That had looked pretty damned awesome and was a good height too! Ten minutes later I knew I had my location.

I quickly called Liv, since I knew Miki might be filming, and I'd be less obtrusive this way. She picked up on the second ring, so they must not be busy. "Hey Lylah, what's up?"

"So, the plan is on for tomorrow, can you handle that?" asked in a whisper.

"Of course. We already have everything we need, so we'll take care of it while you're on set." She seemed pretty confident, and that was just what I needed.

"You guys' rock. I have a few things to do on my end, but I can take care of those today." I sighed as I tried to think of anything I'd missed. "Okay, one more thing. What are the odds that you could rent a convertible or a pickup truck for Saturday?"

"I'm sure that could be arranged. Do you have a preference?" she wondered.

"Pickup. More room in the back."

"You're going to tell us what this is for, right?"

"Of course! I just have to make sure my girlfriend is in a great mood beforehand, so I'm not killed." I knew she'd still be upset, since it wasn't going to be safe. But what stunts are safe? All you can do is make them as safe as possible and then be careful. But there would always be an element of risk!

"Speaking of girlfriends, I have to go. We're out and about looking for things for her to review, and she has too many options!" Liv chuckled.

"Oh, Ava took me to a place called The Local. It's over near Vanderbilt, and they have great burgers. It might be better to stay away from downtown since it is all tourists. Do the college side? Or things near the football stadium?" I suggested.

"I like it. I'll see what my love is up for!" Liv ended the call quickly when I heard Miki squeak in surprise, probably from a sneak attack kiss from Liv.

Smiling at their antics I started heading towards a little flower shop I'd scouted out the previous day. I needed to make sure tomorrow was perfect! Once I explained what I wanted, the woman manning the shop assured me that it would be ready as scheduled, and I settled up the bill so the girls could pick it up for me.

I was set.

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