Ava – I'm glad you're here safe! Believe me, I'll be nuzzling your Titty all night! Should be there in an hour, quick crew meeting and then heading back.

Yes! One more hour and I could have her in my arms! Would it be too early to go in for another kiss? Do we have to pretend that the first one didn't happen, and just work up to it? Is there etiquette for that? I better just let her take the lead on that.

I changed out of my travel clothes, which were sweats and a tee shirt, and slipped into a simple purple sundress with light blue flowers on it. No, it wasn't my normal style, but I brought a couple to wear until the tattoo was healed, as they would be looser fitting and not rub it. I threw on a pair of purple converse and then headed to the lobby to wait for Ava. Titty was happily exploring her new digs, and I had little doubt she would enjoy her time here. The room smelled like Ava, so she would already be comforted. Which was also why there was no way I could stay in that room waiting, or I might do something stupid like be naked in bed when she got there. The scent was driving me crazy. I'd already sniffed the pillows enough times to embarrass myself.

The lobby was quite nice, and it wasn't hard to find a comfortable chair that was positioned so that I could watch the front door and see Ava arrive. I had already signed into the hotel Wi-Fi, and so I did a little bit of surfing. I was shocked to see a video of Trish that tagged me and checked it out since it was only 15 minutes long. It was hard to watch, since it was just her talking to the camera and talking about being duped by Juliette and how she was now trapped in a contract with Max. I guess they probably should have had her sign a non-disclosure agreement, because it made them all look like shit. Which they were, so it fit.

I had time to watch it twice, and then sent her a message telling her how proud I was of her and let her know she could reach out to me if she needed anything. Doing that would probably cost her a lot of followers, but it might make her feel better about things. I hoped that would be the first stop in getting her happiness back. Even if things between her and I had ended, I wanted Trish to have a great future. She could learn and move on and hopefully start fresh with someone else.

And I could start fresh with Ava.

Speaking of which, a short time later, she entered the hotel lobby following an older couple who looked vaguely familiar, maybe I'd seen them in another movie. Ava was walking next to a good looking blond guy, who she kept having to pull her arm away from, and I already knew this was the Sean guy I was going to want to kill. She was right, I already felt that way. I stood up quickly and waved in her direction.

When she saw me, that Sean guy didn't matter anymore. She pulled her arm free once more, and then jogged lightly across the lobby and into my arms, causing me to whimper in pain as she pressed up against my newly pierced nipples. Luckily, her arms were around my shoulders as she hugged me, leaving my lower back safe.

"Are you alright?" she asked, looking at the slight grimace on my face.

"Oh, yeah. I'm much better now." I couldn't help but smile. "Just in a little pain, I'll show you in a bit."

"Did you do something stupid again?"

"Define stupid," I joked.

"Ava, you never said what time you wanted dinner!" Sean interrupted as he moved over to us.

"I actually did, I said I didn't want dinner," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh, come on, everyone wants to go to dinner with me!"

"You're Sean, right?" I asked him, finally getting his attention. I could see why girls would like him. He was the epitome of a leading Hollywood actor. And a dick.

"Yeah, that's me!"

"Sean, can I grab your balls and squeeze them so hard it hurts to pee for a month?" I wondered. Ava snorted and had to cover her mouth to keep from being too loud.

"What?" he asked in confusion. "No!"

"But didn't you ask Ava here to go to dinner?"

"Obviously!" he chortled. "I can't wait to go!"

"And what did she say when she asked her?" I inquired of the poor sap of a man.

"Well, she said no..."

"Multiple times!" Ave interjected.

"But I mean, everyone wants to go out with me!"

"But she said no, so she obviously doesn't want to!" I pointed out.

"She's just playing hard to get!" he objected.

"Then by that reasoning, you must really want me to twist your balls." I reached over and grabbed him in the crotch, and gave him a good squeeze, dropping him to his knees. I dropped along with him, keeping a good grip on him while looking him in the eyes. "I'm a good looking girl, every guy must want me to touch their balls, right?"

"It isn't the same!" he whimpered. "Do you know who I am?"

"It is very much the same. She said no. You said no. You didn't seem to like her answer, and I most certainly didn't like yours," I explained. "As for who you are, I don't give a fuck. But I know that if you keep this shit up, that you'll be referred to as Victim #1 on the police report. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it!" he finally confirmed.

"Good! Now get up and leave her the hell alone. If you keep pestering her, I'm sure I can think of other things to do to you," I whispered harshly into his ear. I let him go, and he staggered to his feet.

"You two are crazy!" he stammered before staggering over to the elevators. We didn't move until he was in one and going up.

"Well, that was quite the reunion." She hugged me again, this time softer. I had to grab her hands before they went too low though. "So just how many places can't I touch?" she pouted.

"Let's go upstairs and I'll show you. Then maybe you can give me a little tour and we can get some dinner?"

"I like that plan!" she leaned in and gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek, and I broke into a huge smile. That was all I needed to be happy.

A Little Dinged Up (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें