But it was a cool tattoo idea, and it meant a lot to me even if Ava and I just ended up as friends. Because I had little doubt that we would do that, even if we didn't end up together romantically. She was too special of a person not to be that, and I could tell just from our time together that we would have a ton of fun even just hanging out.

But yeah, I wanted a lot more of those kisses too.

I fell into a daydream-like state, remembering falling through the air, Ava's lips on mine. Could there have been a better first kiss? Okay, yeah, if it was longer maybe. But otherwise, no, that would be one I'd never forget! My last first kiss? Too sappy? Fuck, I was being sentimental, and I haven't even taken her on a date! I needed to get to Nashville!

"Do you need to take a break? Or are you good?" Liv asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Nope, I'm good if you are," I answered. I really was just eager to get everything done so that I could get to the next item. Speaking of which... "And if you have time, think you can do my nipples next?"

"Oh! Can I do that?" Miki asked excitedly. I could only laugh at that.

"Miki, how did they fit such a giant horny pervert into such an adorably tiny body?" I had to wonder.

"Oh, they just stuffed me right in, that's why everything is so tight!"

"Okay! Stop! I can't handle hearing you like this!" I complained. "You're supposed to be sweet and innocent!"

"Don't worry about it, she'd only like this around us and Ava. She just can't help it." Liv assured me. "I'll take her in back to calm her down when the tattoo is done, so I can do the piercings after that. But just so you know, those take a while to heal. I would recommend not messing with them for a couple weeks, and it will take months before they're completely healed, so you better do the aftercare right!"

Hmm. Months huh? Well, maybe Ava would help with the aftercare? Perhaps she could kiss them and make them better? Fuck! Miki was rubbing off on me! It didn't make me want to pierce anywhere else that was for sure! "Yeah, I'll take care of them, I'm pretty vigilant about that!"

"Well, if you need anything else pierced, maybe a little lower and between your legs, I can do those!" Miki chimed in.

"Miki, you don't even want those yourself!" Liv pointed out with a chuckle.

"Because if I get it, we can't have sex till it heals!" Miki complained. "No way am I giving up sex with you for that!"

"Agreed! I wouldn't want to give it up with you either!" Liv murmured in a husky whisper. I could hear some lips smacking together and light moans over my shoulder, but I was afraid to look, so I just lay there and relaxed for a bit.

But after a bit, they were getting a bit louder, and I had to get this finished. "Hey, are we almost done back there?"

"No way, just getting started!" Miki announced through her panting.

"Wait, hold on. We can finish this tattoo, then I'll need a break!" Liv assured me.

"Well, don't rush the tattoo! You guys are killing me back there!" I was terrified to watch the video for this now! Luckily, Liv was able to maintain her composure, and Miki did the same with her patience, and I got the tattoo finished.

Needless to say, as soon as she was done, and the tattoo was cleaned and covered, the pair disappeared to Liv's office in the back. I quickly turned my music up, because damn were those girls loud. I couldn't fault them though, they were young, sexy and in love, why wouldn't they get to it?

They also weren't quick, and the moaning, happy cries, and strangely loud squeaks turned to thumping against the wall until a pair of chorused screams announced that they were indeed coming. Again. No, I never did turn off the camera, so it picked up all of those sounds along with my bemused expression. Yes, I knew very well I would give them the video and make them blush. Perhaps on their wedding day if they made it that far, and I hoped they did.

And yes, I was now extremely horny myself after hearing that, and the only person I wanted to help with that issue was two fucking time zones away!

With their play time done, Liv came out of the office, and moved to the nearby sink, washing carefully, and splashing a little water over her flushed face. "Miki won't be joining us for the piercing, she's just going to take a little nap," she said with a smirk.

I bet!

"Okay, before we do this, I have to tell you a few things." Liv sat down and pulled out a sheet that discussed the piercings. "First, pierced nipples can take nine months to heal, in some cases a year. You're going to have to be very gentle with them till then, so if you're with someone, they can't yank on them or anything, or they could tear your nipple! Ideally, don't have them touch them at all, though I know you and Ava might not like to hear that. I recommend a sports bra over them, since they're less likely to snag, and you need to follow all of the cleaning instructions to make sure you don't get an infection."

Well, fuck. Nine months? Could I go that long? I mean, sure, I could do other things, but still, I loved having my nipples played with! I guess if I was to do it, this would be the perfect timing, since Ava and I weren't at that stage of our relationship, so it might not be an issue. Hell, that was why I was making these videos, right? Because I always had to do crazy things.

"Do it!"

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