“Leonidas,” I called his name and he turned around to look at me, an expression of surprise on his face, “Here,” I offered him the drink and he looked down at it with a guilty expression.

At first he seemed a little unsure but when he finally moved his hand to take it from me someone bumped into me.
And saying she just bumped into me won’t do it justice. It was intentional. Whoever it was practically threw herself on me, going as far as hitting my hand with her folding fan, resulting in me dropping Leon’s drink.

The sound of the glass shattering was quite loud, it made many people stop and look at us while I stood there in bafflement.
“Oh my!” I looked at the person who fell on me, “Oh my!” The old lady looked at me in fear but it was just for show. Her expressions showed that she was scared but her eyes were firm and strong.

She did it on purpose and then proceeded to play the victim.

Leon wasn’t sure what to say to me. He looked at me astonished and tried speaking, “I-uh,” But he fumbled for words while I noticed something in his eyes. His pupils were shaking.

His action made my heart drop.

Beyond him stood many people. People who loathed the sight of me. People who were discreetly glaring at me. Their cold and hateful gazes slowly piercing me, sending me into a cold lonely place.

I glanced back, only to find the same situation behind me.
My heart rate spiked.

I knew what this was.
They all were thinking the same thing.

I licked my lips as I tried to control my emotions. Emotions that were clawing at my heart trying to come out and humiliate me but I couldn’t do that right now. There would be no point because no one would sympathize with me. I would be nothing but a laughing matter if I cried here.

Because they all were thinking that I might be trying to kill Leon.

“Oh~” The old lady said, “I’m so sorry your majesty!” She spoke again, “I- I’m old and I slipped.” She came between me and Leon, as if guarding him.

There wasn’t a single person around me that would come and stand by my side.

I looked at Leonidas again and at that very moment, I felt extremely jealous.
He had everyone’s adoration. People who were ready to go through lengths to protect him. There were most likely people who would even take the poison for him, if there actually was any…

One glance and I could see how they formed a circle around him discreetly… But it’s not like I wouldn’t notice, not with how they all look at me.

I smiled, “Don’t worry about it Miss Leez,” I showed her my glass of champagne, “A servant will come clean it up.” I maintained my fake smile while on the inside I just felt so destroyed, “Enjoy the night.” I turned around and drank from the glass as the feeling of alienation started to overwhelm me.

I was feeling strange, abandoned even.
My relationship with Leon had already gotten awkward because we ended up sleeping together (probably) and he found out I’m part demon but now I feel so disturbed. I feel so anxious! Why didn’t he say anything?
Well, I get that he was suprised by that lady’s behavior too but I feel so stupid right now. I shouldn’t have approached him like that, not in front of people who would die for him and hate me.

I shot my head around to look for Leroy. He’s the only person who I have here, someone who loves me, the only one who cares for me, just him would be enough for me right now.
I just need to look at his face. I know we’re at awkward terms right now but just his face!!
I need to see just his face!

My chest felt fuzzy and tight.

I finished my drink while I walked around and grabbed another.
I finished that drink too but I couldn’t find him. I stopped the servant carrying the drinks and stopped him as I placed the empty glass on it, only to grab another one.

I just felt so out of it, I couldn’t stop drinking. I couldn’t find Leroy either and for some reason, I felt like I was suffocating.

My mind was getting jumbled up and I needed air. I changed course to go behind the ballroom, to the upper floor, away from the people here. I was about to exit the place when I felt a little dizzy and almost slipped.

It was going to be a humiliating fall but someone saved me from that.

“Sorin!” I looked at the person who grabbed my arm when I almost fell.

“Enri?” I was still feeling a little dizzy.

“What’s wrong with you?” He sighed as he helped me straighten up, “Why are you drinking so much?”

“I am?” I looked at my third empty champagne glass, “Oh…” I looked back at him and gulped, “Have you seen Leroy?” I asked as I wondered.
Has he been watching me?

“Leroy?” He shook his head, “If he’s not here he’s probably busy making sure everything is going smoothly.” He folded his arms, “He is the king’s aide.”

“Right…” I nodded and then turned to walk away. He probably didn’t enter the hall to begin with. He’d usually be with me at all times…

I guess it's my fault that he isn’t here.

“Where are you going?” Enri walked behind me.

“Don’t follow me.” I ordered him, “I’m just going to get some air.” He stopped as I kept walking towards out but on my way, I grabbed another full glass of champagne.

My misery just wouldn’t go away, so I had to drown it somehow.

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now